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Why do you dislike AI art in games?

it Looks and is soulless. no effort or skill was put in. AI can be used as a tool but people only ever use it to steal or a crutch. AI "artists" always want the same credibility and credit as actual artists always calming they put effort in to their work.

AI "art" is nothing but stealing right now.
I feel like all AI is a mixed bag. I think AI art feeds my compultion but is lacks talent and soul. I also smacks of "They took our Jobs". I does allow a creator to quickly trn out new chapters but what is the cost?
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i honestly don't care, as long as the story is good
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Idk. There's something about a dev personally crafting a model where it's just better as opposed to letting AI do it.
A lot of posts I have read on the site say they don't like AI art in games. I am curious about the reasons why.

Edit on Nov 24 at 4pm British Time: Most of the answers so far are mostly saying the dislike is because of bad experiences with games that do a poor job with it. I am skeptical of games made with RenPy because a lot of RenPy games are trash in my opinion (easy to make with low effort), but I don't dislike RenPy because of that.

So I am curious about a few other things. The answers won't change the way that I made things (I usually don't make games or mods with character images at all anyway). I am just curious.

1-1) If the AI art was good (consistent, no artifacts and weird stuff like odd fingers and skin and eyes, thematically-appropriate skin tones and features, no weird disconnect between subject and environment), and the art style could be whatever type you preferred (hyperrealism, 3D anime like, cartoonish, or whatever), would you be ok with it being used to make games?

1-2) Would you prefer "good" AI to asset swap art? (Asset swap is when you pick a 2D or 3D hair and snap it to a base model. RPG Maker is an example of asset swaps for sprite creation. Some WebGL games use asset swap libraries for 3D characters.)

1-3) Would you prefer "good" AI to porn inserts of real people?

1-4) Would you prefer "good" AI to DAZ 3D models?

1-5) Would you prefer "good" AI to hand-drawn art?

2) Have you tried making AI art yourself?

This purpose of this thread wasn't to ask about DAZ models but so many people on this site seem to prefer them that I am also curious about

3-1) If you prefer 3D models, is it because they are more likely to be animated?

3-2) If "good" AI was animated just as often, would you still prefer DAZ assets?

4-1) If you prefer 3D models, is it because you associate them with a less-anime look?

4-2) If AI art looked more realistic instead of having an anime look, would you still prefer 3D models?

I personally enjoy AI-generated art, but my biggest issue with it is consistency. I believe that more realistic art is the best, especially in games like "Mila AI" which is currently my favorite AI game. While it has only a few inconsistencies, these do impact the experience.

That said, realistic AI art is facing significant challenges right now, raising uncertainty about whether games like this will continue to thrive. I mainly play games from DAZ, but I appreciate AI games as well. My primary concern remains consistency. DAZ offers a vast collection of games, but I only enjoy a few hand-drawn titles. I rarely play games using other rendering engines, as I find them inferior compared to those from DAZ and AI.
I have yet to see AI art done well with VNs, but I see your hypotheticals, and would be happy to break it down just like the edited post.
But before I start, I will say I dislike AI art on a personal level, it has a suprisingly long way to go before I feel it could match your best case scenario, just by the nature of how it works.

1-1: If AI could be perfected, was consistent, didn't add unrelated content, and wasn't too busy; ie. if AI was indistinguishable from the work of a person, I wouldn't notice, let alone be able to argue against it. I don't really pay for most of the VNs I read, so it's not even like I'd be supporting the ecological side of things, even. So I guess I'd be ok with it.

1-2: I do think, in that hypothetical "ideal AI" setup, that my instinct would be to prefer that over asset swap; because I've started noticing "the same" characters in various novels, and it's mildly annoyed my subconscious, even though I thoroughly understand when I think aboit it seriously.

1-3: I have disliked all the Photo VNs I've seen; I prefer just written, non visual smut to photographic VNs.

1-4: I'm not familiar enough yet with DAZ to know, but I'm pretty sure some of the VNs I enjoy are DAZ, so I'm picking that for this one.

1-5: No no, hand drawn all the way. I've enjoyed hand drawn stuff, even when it's mostly simple.

2: I've poked at prompts once, enough to get the gist of how it works. I wasn't a fan, and while things have improved, it's been small improvements, not massive. AI is improving quickly, but only in very specific ways, and in others it's stagnating. I feel there are some breakthroughs needed to truly get anywhere close to your hypothetical "perfect" AI art scenario.

3-1: I do prefer 3d models, and I actually can't say why. I prefer them even when a VN has no animation, which is even odder I know. For some reason, the uncanny valley doesn't really bother me in this specific aspect. Perhaps because it helps me detach a bit from some of the less ideal aspects of VN stories.

3-2: AI video can't 'remember' anything several frames prior that is off screen; there's no way this is happening anytime soon. However, in your "perfect" scenario, I would view it the same as the perfect still image scenario; I likely wouldn't notice. But I'll say right now that I've seen animation techniques in some of my favorite VNs (not even sex scenes) that have floored me and felt very bespoke. You won't get bespoke with AI, ever. It's against the very idea of AI.

4-1: Oddly, no. Even the heavily anime themed 3D models, like Honey Select have been fun to see used. I don't mind cell shading, anime theming, but I also don't mind an attempt at realism, or attempting to match film.
Maybe it's all the gaming; the same reason some people really like Overwatch porn.

4-2:As I said previously, the style doesn't determine how much I like it.

Alright, now to throw in my two cents separate from the questions.
The biggest thing to realize is that this is a subjective decision, people like what they like. So some people will LOVE the overly detailed, yet incoherent AI art of today for their porn. Some people instead love something that a lot of work has been put into. And some people couldn't give a damn about visuals, and it's /all/ about the writing. for me, I need a good mix of writing and visual, which means finding VNs I really love is hard; and I seem to gravitate towards the weird and funny for some ungodly reason. Ah well, my brain likes what it likes.
I don't think it's fair to think the majority of any group likes or dislikes a style, even AI; and other than the way this forum incentivizes posting, you'll tend to only get vocal minorities screaming into the void. (I would so be lurking only if I didn't want to one day get enough points for some VNs that are behind the plus)
So my reasons, won't jive with a ot of other people's. One day, AI will likely get to a point where it can be "perfect", but I think I'll always prefer the kookiness of humans making my lewd stories.
The only thing that I dont like AI. now every girl is same and nearly every story is also same nowadays . without creativity just visual
I think that AI generated images have a place, as they enable people without the skills of a true artist to bring their imagination to "live" anyway. As long as it's made clear that the images are AI-generated, that's ok with me. In that case I may applaud the story line or the game mechanics more than the images. But the end product still has value.
What I don't like is people using AI without admitting it, and then claiming the result as their own work.

AI images will always be a work of lower artistic value. But not without any value either. If you ever tried to make an AI generate exactly what you want (I did, and failed quite often), you know what I'm talking about. It isn't that easy at all.
It's just a tool, like Blender or DAZ. Or even Photoshop, which now comes with a lot of AI tools as well...

Artistic value comes on a scale, like this:

Hand drawn with brush or pencil > Hand drawn on a computer > Rendered with tools like Blender > Generated by AI

As long as people are honest, I'm fine with whatever tool they choose.
BIG problem now is legal - if it looks real. If it doesn't, it's not worthwhile if if does could get you in trouble.
1-1) If the AI art was good (consistent, no artifacts and weird stuff like odd fingers and skin and eyes, thematically-appropriate skin tones and features, no weird disconnect between subject and environment), and the art style could be whatever type you preferred (hyperrealism, 3D anime like, cartoonish, or whatever), would you be ok with it being used to make games?
I think you're stacking the deck a bit here, once you've resolved all of those snags you have something that is going to be next to impossible to discern from art created any other way. Maybe you just want to know how much of the negative sentment around AI is down to the technology and not the art but I think that's premature.
AI is going to struggle to replicate 3D styles properly for a long time yet because the technology is fundamentally unsuited to replicating the results of a 3D render pipeline.
While it's discernable some people are always going to prefer the old way.
For myself I don't really have an issue with well produced AI art but that is a fraction of a fraction of what makes its way into the games I've seen. AI art in games still commonly suffers from all the negatives you've listed and usually gives an impression that very little care has been given to the visuals of the game.
Its all the same art, they cant make something really new with ai...
The art is kind of... uncanny ? not in a good "oh this looks so real" but in a "oh... this looks kinda real ig?"
Yeah, low effort ai pics means low effort game. Although it could prove useful in writing the code for the game
I don’t like AI art because of its inconsistency
is not really art and looks the same
Sorry, but it's lazy, compared to the real artists putting in the hard work.
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