Why is it when a game with a halfway decent plot or good to amazing graphics the MC is given a freakishly huge dick that is so out of proportion with the Li's body? Or even out of proportion withe the MC's body. I've spent many hours looking through LC and 95 to find good games that interest me only to find one with a MC with a 2 foot dick.
Good example would be Sunset Faries. Beautiful graphics, decent plot, (lolis-fantastic bonus) but a dick that would stab the girls in the damn heart during sex.
Same goes for just about any games with futa. Love a good futa or trap game but to fine one that wouldn't kill the li's during sex is almost impossible. Don't get me wrong I have found some rare gems out there (WVM, hazelnut latte, for example) but so many out there I want to play but I just can't enjoy if the dick is the size of a forarm.
Realism is fine devs stop with this shit pls!