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Romance vs corruption

Do you prefer to romance your girls, or mess them up from the start?

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I tend to usually go corruption route first & romance in the second run.
I usually choose corruption first. On rare occasions the 'corruption' path is actually just the NTR path and then I don't do it.
I'm a sucker for the love route. If there is an option to choose between the 2, I always choose to romance first and than the corruption path
Reluctant characters are far more fun for me than aggressively sexual ones. Finally getting her to trust MC and convincing her to take the first steps with MC is such a charge for me. Those games can get a little grindy, but the romance aspect makes it worth it to me. Ill-intended corruption isn't my thing, so romance for sure. "Teaching Feeling" - type games.
Romance and corruption themes both bring unique dynamics to a game, and their appeal often depends on the story and gameplay context:

  • Romance focuses on building meaningful relationships, emotional connections, and often personal growth. It’s about trust and mutual development, making it rewarding for players who enjoy heartfelt narratives. Think games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age.
  • Corruption explores darker, more complex themes where a character might be influenced, tempted, or morally compromised. It can add depth to a story, showing the consequences of choices and power dynamics. Games like Spec Ops: The Line or certain visual novels delve into this concept.
I feel like romance options are more depenent on good writing. Badly written corruption still do the job, but bad romance just seems silly.
Depends on how I feel. Mostly the most evil person, but there's some time when I would like to hugging and kissing my girls until they happen to hide my d*ck inside them 🥰
Romance is boring as hell. Full in corruption.
If the game offers both Romance first Corruption second.
Romance 100%

Love me a happy feel good romance. It's one of the key ingredients for a good story to me. I've dabbled in corruption though, it can be fun as well.
Usually just romance unless theres a bitch thats got it coming
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What is considered the difference between grooming and corruption?
I prefer romance with a little of corruption.
Romance is my choice. Corruption only for characters that deserve it
i just like the option honestly and ill see how im feeling that day haha

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