So, like some others, I came here to lurk. I don't know what to say to all the rest of you internet weirdos, and I'm blatantly making this topic to farm LC points.
That being said, it's a valid question, and something I might want to talk about.
My first reason, I don't really care what other people think, or how they think about me.
Life is both incredible and pointless, so it's easy for me to hardly give two shits.
I'm sure to some extent I do care, but not enough to be bothered by it all.
A second reason, socializing can be tough. It's not enough there are infinite ways for people to be, but also infinite ways to please, probe, pressure and placate to their whims.
The pros and cons of having friends certainly leans heavily towards the pros side, but I frequently find myself feeling like it's easier to remain isolated.
But if 'My Little Pony' has taught me anything,.. say it with me everyone,.. "Friendship is Magic".
Last reason, for now is, I'd rather not share myself with just anyone. Not that I feel like I have much to share anyway, but I like thinking I know the answers to all life's questions,
and am secretly waiting for the right moment to enlighten someone with that one piece of information that changes everything for them.
However, I'm probably just another idiot, talking bullshit on the internet, and actually has no fucking clue what I'm saying, or why.
If you'd read this far, I'm sorry for having waisted the most recent moment of your precious meaningless life.