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Do you think there will ever be true AAA porn games?

Not in this century.
I wouldn't say that. 75 years from now is still in this century and think how things have progressed from 1949 until now.
One problem even if made would be getting it sold.
There won't ever be a AAA porn game. Lewd games missed the timing that films had in the 70's... there were mainstream, big budget porn films that played in normal cinemas... and then it all got politicized and the best you can find is "artistic" nudity in films that are "pushing boundaries." Games came on the scene just a little too late into the political right's crusade to make American a total shit show of a nation.
Some on both sides. There are the religious nuts on the right and some feminists on the left that think it's exploiting women - though it is pretty much the ONE industry where women make more than men...
If I had enough money I'd hire a team and make it in no time, just to play it myself lol
We would need someone who doesn't care about money or popularity, and doesn't give a shit about public influence/opinion, someone based, not elon max...
Actually it's sad even 1 million$$$ is not enough for a good game, subverse sucks, I wouldn't even torrent it haha
I wouldn't say that. 75 years from now is still in this century and think how things have progressed from 1949 until now.
THIS! there are over 90% of technologies are either TOP secret or hidden and unavailable to public, maybe somewhere out there, right now people use teleportation, cured all diseases, having immortality etc
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AAA means expensive to make, means it needs to sell well.

What it means to be AAA scales with what is out there. There are a good chunk of games on this site that would have been AAA quality in the 90's and 00's.
There are plenty of AAA games with adult/sexual content (plus the 100s of fanmade DLC) are out there. As for an outright AAA porn game? Not likely at all. Its too much of a niche market for major corporations
There are plenty of AAA games with adult/sexual content (plus the 100s of fanmade DLC) are out there. As for an outright AAA porn game? Not likely at all. Its too much of a niche market for major corporations
Some porn companies are (or were) major corporations - Hustler, for example.
You might see it, but it'll probably more of a collaboration with existing top tier developers of XXX material. Maybe with crowdfunding or something.
Subverse was an attempt at it. Who knows what's in store. VR that isn't balls will change everything.
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Subverse was an attempt at it. Who knows what's in store. VR that isn't balls will change everything.
Now if there was TRUE VR - ie all senses, indistinguishable from reality, THAT would demand a market for porn.
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I don't even know if that's a good idea. AAA games don't necessarily tend to be great now. Imagine EA daring to do something like that. And even if Bathesda makes really good games - imagine a porn game with bugs like in Skyrim or Fallout. Brrrr...
there will be one, just very far into the future
Even if its years from now do you think there will ever be a time a big studio just says fuck it and makes one? Even farther than anything in GTA or Baldurs Gate. If so which studio would be the most likely? Or do you think there would be room for an indie to grow enough to sit among them?
Nope. AAA play it safe. They don't even take small risks and that's a huge one.
I can see it happening 20 or 30 years in the future, when things like AI and game development tools have advanced to the point that it is financially feasible to develop a porn game on such a big scale. The only thing is that AAA games of that time would probably be AAAAA games today, so an AAA porn game would still be smaller than most of the games releasing on the market.
maybe one day but the game has to have an extremely compelling story, sort of like game of thrones but a game
Nope. AAA play it safe. They don't even take small risks and that's a huge one.
they should make DLC's/ "unofficial" patch/leak whatever, like rockstar's coffee.
Actually GTA6 will be censored af, just like RDR2 or they won't be able to sell it anywhere publicly/legally, which is suck, i wish there were actual "real life" like games, with no flying space ships or weird RPG/hunger/thirsty mechanics, that have ambient/atmosphere of serious realism, no jokes or parodies, sadly even gta5 doesn't have it
There won't ever be a AAA porn game. Lewd games missed the timing that films had in the 70's... there were mainstream, big budget porn films that played in normal cinemas... and then it all got politicized and the best you can find is "artistic" nudity in films that are "pushing boundaries." Games came on the scene just a little too late into the political right's crusade to make American a total shit show of a nation.
i bet there are many AAA forbidden/ illegal porn games out there which were made specifically for billionaires, private companies or rich individuals, sadly there are no leaks
Some on both sides. There are the religious nuts on the right and some feminists on the left that think it's exploiting women - though it is pretty much the ONE industry where women make more than men...
i don't think woke braindead feminists are the reason, there were no people with money who'd spend it on something creative and funny
maybe one day but the game has to have an extremely compelling story, sort of like game of thrones but a game
game of thrones? lmao:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Studio FOW's Subverse is the closest I can think of. Given how much they got on their kickstarter campaign and how quickly they exceeded the amount they were asking for, there is definitely a market out there for AAA porn games.
How many units does an AAA game have to sell to break even? A quick check shows 1M units. Wow. Sex game fetishes are too niche. To attracted 1M buyers, the sex would have to be shockingly vanilla to offend the least amount of people.

So no, I don't see it happening. But I think AI might play a role in creating much more complex games in the future for low cost, so AAA as a category might stop being an important thing.
Not as the main plot and at least not directly, and it wasn't uncommon to find porn in AAA games either.
Pointing toward the Hot coffee's hidden script of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from 2004
Will there be shift toward other engines? I'm sure porn games would catch up with it, I would play a porn game based on unreal engine 5 in a heart beat for example.
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