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Do you have any game engine biases? And what are those bias making us miss out on?

Unity games have good mechanics visually but hard to rollback or replay gallery.
RPGM is just meh imo.
Why are HTML not good? Game on modern engine like Unity is best. Some games good on Ren'py but less.
Renpy basically, I only try others in very rare ocasions.
I'll join the "hate RPGM with all my heart" wagon.
Empty worlds, endless grind, convoluted stories that absolutely REQUIRE walkthroughs if you don't want to waste hours of your time, the only exceptions to these games are the very rares ones that absolutely abandon the standards like Cohabitation.
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I came to hate RAGS, one of the worst player experience engines that existed. Honestly don't know how it managed to catch on back then.
Currently, RPGM makes me wary of the game and much less likely to check it.
UE for porn games is a big red flag too
not rpgm, meh to qsp, maybe to html, possible for unity, renpy for sure
Cannot play RPGM, but Renpy, Unity, Unreal are good. Not sure if html qualifies as a game engine?
I avoid RPGM just because replaying things gets old fast
But Ren'Py is hands down the best
Not necessarily a bias towards and engine itself but certain combos of content and engine make me just skip automatically. Like real porn on anything other than QSP or HTML is an auto pass for me. Though I do tend to be more critical of Renpy games than others, mostly because kinetic novels are mostly on that and I hate kinetic novels with a burning passion. They aren't real games.
I really like renpy and I don’t love rpgm, but I have seen good games from rpgm like I think renryuu ascension is rpgm. It doesn’t really limit me or make me miss out though. I just prefer renpy because it’s smoother.
I am very ANTI-Unity, but thats less about what the engine can do, and more about the the owners and their licensing terms. Unity also tends to send call-back and telemetry data without informing the host...
But.. Ren'py kind of does that too
I usually ignore games with rpgm. I know there are some real gems in there. But I play such games more for the lewd scenes. And that usually takes too long for me with rpgm.
i usually dont play games if they aren't renpy™ certified

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