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What's your favorite game story genre?

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Gotta plug The Last Sovereign again. Adventure, Politics, Apocalypses, and OCEANS of smut all packed into one damn good JRPG

TLS is great, but unfortunately way too long for me to play update to update. I'll wait until it's all done, *then* catch up.
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Harem and slice of life, definitely. Mystery is another one I like. Some intrigue elements where you have to find out what is happening to your life, your town, whatever.
For adult visual novels? Slice of life stuff. Just the normal, daily lives of people. College, work, home life, etc...

I find almost everything else to be pretentious.
TLS is great, but unfortunately way too long for me to play update to update. I'll wait until it's all done, *then* catch up.
That's fair lol. I hear they're closed to finished now, just polishing off the endgame content
Just slice of life with incest. I would say crime/mystery stuff as well, but it's rare that the quality of writing is good enough in adult vn's.
If done well then a crime one like Depraved Awakening
Love the daddy-daughter corruption style games, especially if they're got lots of school friends. The whole teacher angle is pretty hot too :love:
I like comedy but its not best story telling genre so I guess fantasy
Incest and harem mostly. A bit of others too but not as much as a sibling bang pile
I love me some corruption, transformation, and possession.
Fantasy settings are my favorite
Light fantasy or sci-fi if done in an interesting way.
I'd guess the most popular genres (or maybe sub-genres would be more appropriate in the game context) generally might be crime, horror, mystery, and the ever-popular harem scenario in all its diverse forms. Many projects are some combination of those four, and I'm sure some don't fit into any of those categories. I've played and enjoyed maybe 25 or 30 of these kinds of games, which is a very small percentage of the total output available, but I have to say my favorites are the harem games, usually with some mystery, crime, or sci fi elements in the mix. I admit that I like the ones that have you grow a business/financial empire of some kind, too, even though they typically involve a lot of grind. I'm curious, though, about how my tastes compare with yours. What are your favorite game story genres?
Fantasy by far. Fantasy opens up whole new storylines that would be closed off otherwise. Every game in a modern setting makes you have a 9-5 and get into a routine but in fantasy games, it feels much more up to you where you go and what you want to do. Horror is second best because of how many unique ideas those games pump out.
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