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Favorite Regular Game Genre?

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Republican Bear

Morally Perverted Bear
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Nov 25, 2022
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Thread #3 for the circus show.

I'll start first my favorite game genres to play are RPGs and Strategy games. Nothing beats the Fallout and
Command and Conquer series. I probably have already put 100's of hours into those games.
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Either RPGs or RTS. I enjoyed playing the original Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games.
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Either RPGs or RTS. I enjoyed playing the original Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale games.
You have excellent taste in games. Those are some great choices, and with NWN
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Another vote for RPGs from me. I used to be a big FPS player too, but that genre just hasn't felt the same since the end of the Halo 3 days.
If we're going by time played it has to be ARPGs. I spend cumulative years playing those. Other RPGs are probably second place.
I probably have more than 5k hours combined on Ck3, Ck2, Rimworld, Mount and Blade & Kenshi. So games with massive freedom of options and how to play them.
When I was younger I enjoyed hack n slash games. It was just mindless fun mowing through enemies dynasty warriors style but nowadays I enjoy taking things slow with turn based (J)RPGs and just immersing myself in the world, story and characters.
big fan of rogue-likes fro the replayability and jrpgs/card games for the strategy involved in playing the games.
Had to go with Rpgs but i play anything if the game's good no genre is gonna make me not play it, i hate platformers but Celeste and Pizza Tower are godly, so much fun.
I like Swordplay game (like Mount in Blade or Chivlary) and strategy games.
JRPG's are a personal favorite because they let me more or less turn my brain off while playing

Similarly, 4X strategy games are a second favorite because they require me to use my brain whilst playing
Strategy, and those factory automation games, dude dyson sphere is an addiction lol
I really like jrpgs, especially turn based ones, recently I've been replaying FF9 AKA the best Final Fantasy ever made.
trpgs like dos2 and card games. Best examples of the type of card games im into are tag force 5 and shadowverse:champions battle (the switch that came out a while ago).
i played the whole series of AC. i clearly has its ups and downs. but i like it anyways.
Rpgs and sandboxy open worlds. Saints Row used to be a favorite.
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