Good ChoiceB/S, 나는 Old + Young 팬이 아니기 때문에 여기서 가장 바닐라 선택입니다
Specifically, the F has to be relatively young... Similar in DMD.F-D >>> B-S >>> M-S
Gotta go with Father/Daughter. Hands down that's the one I like the most.Which do you prefer the most?
- Father/Daughter
- Mother/Son
- Mother/Daughter
- Brother/Sister
FD is my favorite. It's the hottest, it's natural, and it's so beautiful.
Or the father that constantly whines with his inner monologue about whether or not he should do it. Yes, do it.. bang your daughter already.Same as lolilovers. But I do also love father/daughter (when the father isn't a annoying)
There should be more games about F/D
- Father/Daughter always
exactly. F/D is the best, followed by B/S. M/S is not my favorite.Really like F/D the most since it's the less common on this kind of games.
Like, it's mostly always some good old teen with his "landlady" and "roommates".
But I must admit that some good B/older S is nice too.