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Did Playing VNs Change Your Conversation Skills?

Has playing VNs changed the way you talked to people?

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Feb 21, 2024
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When the year of Covid happened I played a TON of VNs. And not just VNs, but other games with dialogue choices that matter like Skyrim, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Fall Out were also in the mix too. As a result, I think the way I had talked to people since then had changed.

This may be partially due to an obsession with save-scumming dialogue for the perfect outcome, but I feel like I may have altered my normal brain reaction to everyday responses... for better or worse.

Have any of you ever felt like this? I'm curious!
not from VN's, I did join more discord convo's during covid since i started gaming more serious when i had the time to do so.
For me personally I only get better at speaking to people by actually speaking to them.

Sure if you are a hermit when it comes to making convo it could help a little with how to start a convo or something and realising people have emotions when it comes to the way you direct a convo. but further than that i dont think it would help much.
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I would not recommend learning conversation skills from a VN. That has the potential for disaster, you can't just load an earlier save in real life lol
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Doubt it helps many who play VNs but if it helped you then good for you.(y)
I dont think real women would react the same way that VN girls react hahaha
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without how incredibly corny and straight up bad the writing in most adult VN's is, I sure as hell hope you don't pick up too much from it.. lol
convo's no THAT work that way IRL haha
Nah, but I've found myself trying to reload a quicksave on occasion in real life. I'm disappointed every time it doesn't work.
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No, i found writing in most of VN's bad, sometimes felt like author have scribomania
no form of media is a good way of learning how to interact with people, much less media written by people who barely know how to write
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Yes and look at my harem now...
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Most VNs are in broken English, so I'm thankful it didn't affect what little conversation skills I have.
Judging by how a lot of VNs are written, the chance of getting beat up or ending up in prison is pretty high. Wouldn't recommend.
That goes for copying the behavior of the MCs too.
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Please do not use anything you did in any of these lewd visual novels in real life
In today's high moral society...
Been white, male and straight...
That is a hard pass there, buddy.
Haha I am really enjoying these responses. I guess I should have better phrased that I am definitely not using VN dialogue choices IRL. I do feel like I wish I could pause a conversation for longer to respond to, or not banter out my ass
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