
From VNDB:

Netori is a counterpart tag to Netorare, however instead of playing as someone who has his significant lover stolen, you play as the one doing the stealing.

Rather than fetishizing jealousy and other negative feelings, Netori is a power trip of pulling one over another person and taking something that is theirs.

For a game to be classified as Netori, the following conditions must be met:

1. The protagonist steals the significant other, a very close friend, or in extremely rare cases, a close relative from another character by seducing, coercing, blackmailing, outright raping them, or by using other techniques.

2. The character stolen must be someone you are not supposed to steal. As an example, the protagonist having sex with someone's mother wouldn't be Netori, if she doesn't have a significant other. However, it would become Netori if she is the protagonist's own mother, and the father is present in the game in some form.

3. For Netori-themed games the finding out aspect is less important, as the game focuses on the protagonist and his conquest. Still, the losing character needs to exist within the game and play some role related to his SO being stolen. If the losing character does not appear or is barely mentioned, the game should be tagged with Infidelity instead of Netori.

4. The trait does not apply if the protagonist's conquest does not have a close loving relationship with another character, as ties between the partners and their forcible separation by the protagonist is important aspect of the fetish.
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