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Prestige 2

Prestige 2

Overview Reviews (10)

M+ is the best value, P1 has some things in it, P2 has nothing in it. So unless you really want to customize your banner/posts I really don't see the value of the Prestige's 1-3, unless you trying to utilize 'Coin Hustlers University' where your higher Prestige grants you some benefits I don't see the value. I don't have P3, probably won't get it, but saving up to P4 (or just spending $600+ for the LC's) seems like a lot.
Actually it won't add much, can't spin loli's anymore, should've bought P4 with blackjack and badgers a while ago! I liked the animated banner tho

Glory to SisterSexuals, IncestSexuals and homosexual lesbians! Gonna get all of your loli's sooner or later!

ps. buy P4 instead of P1, P2 or P3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a great buy at 40% off! Now I get to annoy people with a postbit .gif! :)
you can add obnoxius snippets of code in your postbit that have no function other than annoy other users and fuck up the banner layout.

11/10 would spin again
Amazing value, would cause everyone to flip out over animated postbits again. A+++
i just see it like this: Every RPG Game i get to love,i need to get 100% in every aspect of the very game,-same goes for LC. Since i came to understand thats better to rather cope&adapt than just ranting about anything,i have the fun of my life on here
Not so much changes but adds a prestige level. Keep it as optional not mandatory.
Absolutely a "+"!!! I hope more people are able to obtain this Rank, agree it is a + thing, and is therefore improving this site for us all!!!
I did it for the banner lol
Some things (as of now) don't seem to be fully there yet but who cares. Do it for the e-peen! Would love if the icon we can upload would be the same size as the default ones (although that's a VIP thing not +). 10/10 would buy again.

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4.10 star(s) 10 ratings


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