I can, even as a kid I fucked around with older consoles and what not. I was that kid still playing Super Mario World whilst trying to find a raid on WoW. I always played what I enjoyed and grew up with odler siblings so I never had an issue. I still got my CRT's, my CDs (shit even some DvDs somewhere) so I'm good! I always buy my music as CD format since I don't care for viynl so most of the stuff I enjoy is actually very accessible if we would lose modern things like better screens etc. Then again, my old internet was so fucking slow and that mixed with how awfully slow and prone to crashing pcs were 20 years ago I think I would have a hard time without the "modern" internet and computers (although imo since the 2010's it's been good enough). But hey to each their own, some other guys cna't live without their 5 monitor 144hz setup.