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This is a screensot from a game "The Way". Well, you probably see an almost black rectangle. But actually this a scene with a charachter, his emotions, some action, and some environment.
We see nothing of that just because ... because of what, actually? Well, this is the question of this topic.
Why so many games lack basic sence of brightness? 3D modeling is hard, storytelling is an art, but applying levels in any photo editor? Is that so much to ask for?
Here, let me apply some levels in random image viewer/editor to this image.
Looks a lot better, doesn't it? So why do so many developers omit this basic step?
So yeah, but this a single image, you may say. Well, let me show you almost all 7000 images of this game.
You see that basically third of them are dark-to-black. And another third are just too dark to be good. Only brighter third is somewthat ok.
To wrap this up, here's one more picture for your entartainment.
All those pictures grouped by their brightness into 9 groups. And then averaged and plotted their histograms over. Just to see how dark they are.
Again, we see that third of all images are almost entirely black. And only 10-20% could be considered well lit. But why? I have no answer.
So, tell me. Do you see extremely dark games as well? Can you name these games?
Or is that just me?