basically every Dev managed to fuck up at some point
For that reason I'm not supporting Caribdis, Cryoxxx, CodeMasters, UbiSoft and RockFish Games. And since quite recently I stopped supporting SCS Software and as well.
• I was close to making a decision to support Caribdis ("Eternum", "Once in a lifetime"). But Caribdis had added the word "Fuck95" in the banned word list on his Discord server but he hadn't announced that anywhere - not in "announcements" channel, not in the server rules. So a user not knowing that, if they asked a question like "Is there any website for finding AVNs (other than Fuck95)?", they get instantly muted on the server and considering after being muted you can't contact any of the staff either, that equals a ban. That's an asshole behaviour which is why I gave up on supporting him.
• Cryoxxx and his minions don't accept unpopular opinions. A developer who can't take a little criticism doesn't deserve financial support at all.
• CodeMasters once told me that "purchase doesn't guarantee technical support" (back then the case was about "Race Driver GRID", otherwise known as simply "GRID 1"), so I told them if that's the case, from that moment on I'd play all of their future games cracked, since it seemed that the cracking groups did CodeMasters' job better. The original purchased copy of the game refused to run on Windows XP (back then I was still a Windows user), whereas the game ran just fine with the RELOADED crack. I've been keeping my word since then and if the game has the logo of CodeMasters, I download it cracked.
• Ubisoft. I hadn't logged in their site for a very long and the 2FA was activated on a very old phone which I don't have anymore. They said there was no option to reset 2FA, so that I can access my account, thus I told them they're joining my personal blacklist where CodeMasters is and from that moment on I'll always play UbiSoft games cracked as well. UbiSoft and CodeMasters don't respect their customers, so why should I respect them and give them any money?!
• RockFish Games made a game using a cross-platform engine and AFAIK it's an open source engine. Other developers who used the same engine made their games resources accessible (meaning that you can modify the game's definitions in order to make it more suitable to your play style). But RockFish made the resource of their games encrypted, so you can't access them and therefore can't mod the game. In addition to my favourite line "No tux - no bux!", I also told them I'll keep playing that game cracked UNTIL they decrypt the game resources and allow us to mod it. I find that using an open source engine to make a closed source game is a mockery towards your customers, therefore you can expect the same treatment from them.
• SCS Software. I suppose everyone knows who they are but if you don't know - they're the developers of "Euro Truck Simulator 2", "American Truck Simulator" and a few other games. The developers of SCS Software wake up every morning thinking of new ways to screw their customers up, rendering the customers' mods unuseable. Their games do support mods but with every update more and more mods stop working and you have to spend more time remaking your mods from scratch, so naturally more and more modders simply abandon their mods. That's why I isolated from Steam the latest version where my mods work (v1.46.2.20) which means the game is still a purchased copy but it will never update, no matter what tricks they come up with.
• are lying bastards, which is why I canceled my subscription for them. They tell you that Firefox doesn't have enough "power" to download a 6 GB file from their cloud and they're forcing you to use their desktop app. That's a thick lie bc I've tested it with other cloud services where I've uploaded a 15 GB file and then downloaded it via Firefox without any problems. So MEGA can MEGAsuck my dick and I'll never pay them a single cent anymore! The person who will give me orders what and how to happen on my own computer hasn't been born yet (which is why I abandoned Windows in the first place). Apparently MEGA mistook me for one of the Windows sheep.
So far the only developers who have shown me with a 100% certainty that they deserve my support are
@ketzal ,
@Westy and N2TheFire (the developer of "Serenity", "Serenity 2" & "The Last Human").