man, this has been a very annoying issue for me since the pandemic started.
Before the 2016/2018 iirc (though it really got worse during the pandemic) people didn't really care or they just thought you were a weirdo for liking controversial fetishes like lolisho but now? You're the scum of the earth and a predator for... liking fictional drawings lmao
Yeah, I'm probably projecting a bit but it's really annoying seeing delusional comments from people who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. You can't even escape them here because they are indirectly forcing lurkers out now just to engage.
It's a very long weird debate that I've seen argued so many times I personally don't get it because they don't exist as mentioned but it is a unfortunate circumstance.
Well I mention this in another thread , basically it easier to go after this then the real stuff. They can crack down on this and act like the stop the real thing without having to stop actual criminals.
For the activist type they always look to move the goal post by saying stuff like adult anime or videogame character (Like Stellerblade) are kid because they want more power or because they don't like these people.
It's similar to people trying to ban video games for making people more violent. The one's advocating for censorship don't know how to seperate fiction from reality
I think its mostly just fear, man... and probably a misplaced sense of moralism. They don't want kids to be hurt in real life, and they know that there's very little (if not nothing) that anyone can do to legitmately stop it globally... but they probably feel like they have to do something so they go after whatever they can go after that seems even tangentially related. Could also be a self-hating thing, who knows what they have in their closet. Idk.
Besides the "loli is as bad as real thing" argument people love to throw around, the platforms themselves tend to get spooked off and on when laws change or like when the dev got arrested in Australia last summer. No one wants to be the next target, even if you do eventually win in court. I know I don't have the desire to be a citation for future cases. And when you get white knights on the warpath ...
The problem with people who advocate for the censorship of such games on other platforms that can be found here is that they have a hard time believing that people can separate reality from fiction and that the people who seek this kind of content are necessarily the same people who are going to try and repeat what they see in these games to real people
I guess I can see both side's to the argument and see it like neither is right or wrong just different opinions. I err on the side that no one is getting hurt and freedom of expression I also believe maybe such content gives some people an outlet they need to not take it into real life. At the end of the day though such content is illegal in many places and companies generally cant afford to be seen to support such controversial content. This can lock you out of many things including payment options and advertising and generally just cause a shit storm. Myself being open minded with a viewpoint of "live and let live" aslong as no real person is being hurt/used/controlled/groomed I dont really give a shit.
Then again smoking weed is illegal here, yet much worse substances are freely available on every other street corner so who the fuck know's but I guess the general opionion is where most people follow.
Whoever does that prolly has some agenda. They are just pixels, if people get affected by them then it is their problem and the solution should be found for them as they are the root of the problem.
They cannot see, or understand the other side. It is the same as was the prohibition, or Spanish Inquisition. Only one side can be right. When people go on trials, only for zeros, and ones, you cant hope for a normal argument.
A lot of it is just the fact that the Internet as a whole is slowly becoming more and more sanitized. Governments want to control what you consume on the internet in general. It seems to even be getting to the point where mainstream porn sites are going to be harder to access. In the US at least a lot of states are introducing laws where sites have to require you show id to prove that you're an adult just to consume regular porn.
THIS! Big financial institutions launder drug cartel and terrorist money no problem but they're afraid that hentai will give them bad PR.
And I think it's also because these are images/animations. Fanfic sites have just as filthy or even filthier content but since it's in word form and not graphical form it tends to get overlooked or excused easier. Images have a more immediate emotional impact.