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Why cant devs do best friends right.

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Oct 10, 2022
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So few with a good male friend that is not trying to cuck you or is just a annoying pest.
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I never really thought about it, but I think you're right. There's definitely a lot of questionable best friends.
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I think that is more general the issue, not only on the games, but also in books or series, where the best friend is annoying in general or with a massive character flaw, maybe to show how the protagonist is better or cooler that the rest
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Maybe devs are lack a good reference for best friends? If I were a dev then I would be in that category. I've only had 1 strong friendship 25 years and we aren't even that close. I'm guessing best friends serve as more of a plot device than anything meaningful.
Nearly all devs are amateur writers, who do this without anyone proofreading or editorializing their stuff, of course they can't write good characters.
At worst they just copy trope charas from other games.
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Maybe devs are lack a good reference for best friends? If I were a dev then I would be in that category. I've only had 1 strong friendship 25 years and we aren't even that close. I'm guessing best friends serve as more of a plot device than anything meaningful.
It's hard to keep friendships going, when you get older and life happens. At least I struggle with this. I haven't even spoken to my best friend in the last couple of years.
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Lineage or Legacy and Eternum did best friends really well. in Lineage or Legacy, your 2 best friends are really helpful, to the point of effectively saving your life. In Eternum Chang provides for a lot of funny moments and is pretty helpful. I can't think of any others apart from those two
I think Acting Lessons is one the few that actually had the best friend chastising the MC for his behaviour and was written pretty well.

Other than that I suspect there is not much point to having a best friend other than to serve as plot device to introduce the MC to more chicks, parties, hijinks. So they don't have to be well written in that aspect.

Add to that can you imagine if devs actually did female besties right. So she asked me to kiss her and then I got a game over screen for being a cheating horndog.
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Funny thing is a good friend character opens a lot of paths. Hell just make them gay and you can have funny moments and a wingman but they all go the fool path if they dont become the antagonist.
I find best friends are usually only done right when the best friend is a female friend who you usually just end up having sex with. but yeah if they are a male best friend usually just kind of annoying or an ass who just want to ignore. At least for Male protag games.
Too much emphasis on the porn aspect on the developer's side. They serve most of the time zero value to the actual plot and instead used for the porn elements.
Because the goal in these games is to make all of the other males so unappealing that all the women in the game are only interested in MC. So they have to be assholes, or weak, or abusive, or terrible friends...etc.
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I think superhuman had a decent best friend char, but honestly I think the game is better if it either doesn't have one or it's a girl(love interest)
i think they fear that might scare off potential supporters that may think it will lead to ntr
but honestly if a game want to lean towards realism they should add some male best friend
From my point of view, some kind of trauma that the dev has had or heard about, that makes the person trust only themselves.
I think part of the problem is just the fact that most people are going to see other male characters in the game as competion to the MC. Even if the friend is well written, most are also worried that the dev might decide to suddenly introduce NTR into the game.
The thing about it is in the economy of the game the best friend needs to have an important role , or it's just more work for little pay-off from the dev's POV. I know you're going to say it's important for certain kinds of stories, but most devs will always try to optimize towards whatever gets them the most patreon money. So even if theoretically a game starts out with a well written best friend it will probably drop off from the story in favor of more work on the LIs which is what makes the money, especially if it's a crowd funded game where the supporters get to vote on content in updates.
Dreams of Desire did it right. Best friend was just a chill dude who could help you out every now and again, didn't be annoying and just wanted to hang out.
Dreams of Desire did it right. Best friend was just a chill dude who could help you out every now and again, didn't be annoying and just wanted to hang out.
Makes you wonder if people who make these games have friends because you if you are an adult you maybe see your friends once a week and usually just talk intermittently through out the week.
If the game doesn't take place in college or high school you really don't need to have friends present frequently.
Yeah I agree they might be lacking a frame of reference.

Hard to write accurately about something you've never felt or experienced before, and that's what a lot of game best friends make me think.
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