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What's going on in the lewdest corner of the internet?

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Harem Highlander
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Prestige 4
May 5, 2022
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Prestige 1
Been a long time since I last visited this website so instead of getting the hang of things again, I thought I should make a post.
So is the L word still censored and is lewd corner sticking to what it was made for or is it becoming another alternative for Fuck95, I mean I didn't see any new Devs in the restricted section since that Australian event. Instead of new Devs, old Devs were either dropping their games or sticking to their plans of changing their games from upside down, and seems like even after so much time since that event things haven't changed for the better.
Am I right or wrong?
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You mean Westy? I think his trial is due to Feb or April of this year.
Been a long time since I last visited this website so instead of getting the hang of things again, I thought I should make a post.
So is the L word still censored and is lewd corner sticking to what it was made for or is it becoming another alternative for Fuck95, I mean I didn't see any new Devs in the restricted section since that Australian event. Instead of new Devs, old Devs were either dropping their games or sticking to their plans of changing their games from upside down, and seems like even after so much time since that event things haven't changed for the better.
Am I right or wrong?
Only issue atm is finding a new host due to some cunt reporting my host about lewdcorner so yeah new host lined up but Xmas so support slow.
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Only issue atm is finding a new host due to some cunt reporting my host about lewdcorner so yeah new host lined up but Xmas so support slow.
I don't know where else I can ask this so I will ask here, since these questions might be related to the host change:
1) I was trying to register an account to LewdCorner yesterday and noticed that there was a requirement for a referral code, but today that requirement is gone. Why did you decide to add that? Why did you remove it? Do you intend to add that back in the future?
2) I don't see [Restricted Title] tag anywhere. What happened to that? I tend to use this website pretty much just to download games that aren't available on Fuck95, so that tag was very useful because it let me ignore games that I've already seen on Fuck95.

P.S. I created a new account because I forgot the password/email for my old one
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Pretty decent question why the restricted tag disappeared to be honest.
I can tell from my pov that i wont stop doing games with the L, although right now i developed a game without it. But it had nothing to do with westy or simply stoppping it. I want a decent game without, and one with the L.
Both is fun.
Blondie Bear
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Well now that they have 24 to move to another host it seems like the site may end up going down for a while.
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