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Prestige 1
Feb 29, 2024
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Prestige 1
What was your first feeling when you first played a visual novel game?
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I thought : of course, there are devs for any type of game. And the demand is huge.
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I thought : of course, there are devs for any type of game. And the demand is huge.
yeah, i actually thought the same and lurked around for updates of my favorite games lol
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My first vn was a miel game and at the time it was pretty good until I played better ones
first VN was fate/stay night so it's been downhill from there 🤷‍♀️
I felt like I had wasted my time on other types of entertainment while something better existed... something similar to what I feel now
It was quite interesting, I remember that I decided to explore and my first game was milfy city, it was a long time ago but I remember that it was very interesting especially the fact that I had to "make an effort" to see the content made it much more rewarding
It scratched an itch I didn't know I had.
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I thought that this kind of games, even though I liked them so much, were going to change my mentality and affect my way of relating to others. Well, I was more like a teenager and I think I exaggerated too much.
I stumbled across one, I think the site thought it was a fun light-hearted parody of Sonic.

Initial thoughts were 'what just happened here'?
Followed quickly by 'someone, somewhere, is a flipping genius'
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