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what u guys thoughts on vtubers?

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Apr 1, 2024
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i find them hot. i prefer the mommy type but i know the loli types are very popular in the scene as well. i mostly follow hololives but recently i havent watch them much. i really like kaela from hololive
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eh if you wanna watch them then do so, but they're not for me personally
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I personally don't get the appeal, never watched them.
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i tried to watch a few Vtubers live after i played HoloCure, it's not for me, i just find it too cringe
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I do watch hololive but my favorite is the A.I. Vtuber Neuro-Sama lol
Favorite corpos of mine are Hololive and Phase Connect.
Niji and V-Shoujo can go take a hike.
Don't know anything about them
I don't watch. I cringe everytime whenever I see them.
but recently only 1 vtuber I know that I watched & kinda like her
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As degenerate as I am, I've funnily enough never watched any of them for the visual appeal, and don't even view them that way, but I do like a few of them for the entertainment.
If I like their content I couldnt care less what is on the screen. 95% of what I watch may as well just be a black screen as its primarily used as background noise anyways.

they give me anxiety

idk if the one "behind the curtain" is a genuine girl or a 50 years old fat dude who thinks he's a butterfly

and hey i dont judge a person based on his/her "beliefs" in life but sometimes yah can tell if one is a delusion or not amaright?
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Can someone explain the whole concept to a boomer plz?
Unbearably annoying and disrespectful. If you want my time and money, at least have the basic courtesy of showing your face. And maybe don't sound cringe as fuck every second word.
I find them to be cringe but to each their own
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