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What make you love skyrim in the first place?


Aug 8, 2022
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I tried it lately with a lot of mod,i agree it has lots of story,but some quest are too long and too complicated.
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Freedom and medieval fantasy setting

Skyrim - Thomas the Tank Engine Mod

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I like the amount of things to explore and the dragons were cool. But I played Fallout afterwards, and that setting and having guns played much better, too me.
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Running around fighting everything, also the lore is pretty cool.
Mods as they make the game better then anything Bethesda releases. Without mods none of their games would be popular.
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Something I love about Skyrim it's how the music just hit every time you need it, kinda like Minecraft, you could just be walking around in the middle of nowhere and the most majestic sound ever produced by a guy in a studio drops and it just wonderful
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The fact that you had the local political storyline and the epic world-ending storyline kind of running concurrently with each other and equal in length but never really crossing over was kind of cool.
originally It was the world now its the mods and jankness
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the care from the creators for the enviroment i suppose
I like the amount of things to explore (...) But I played Fallout afterwards, and that setting and having guns played much better, too me.
If anything, that's what turns me away from Skyrim. Too many things to do, too unfocused.

I prefer Fallout too, as it felt far more focused and harder to sidetrack, at least for me. I like my games as I like my books, you need some room for imagination but the story needs to be guided too, and in Skyrim it felt as if I was freely making my own story at times.
The cool graphics,the first person perspective,the random encounters with weird characters and the glorious thumping resounding soundtrack. An audio and visual masterpiece which is still beloved and relevant over 10 years later after release.

I loved the previous game, so I knew I would enjoy Skyrim
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The modding community really. Without them, Skyrim will remain buggy.
And the quest/story mods the commnity comes up with somehow improves Skyrim specially if they're lore-friendly.

Same with the Fallout games, which I actually prefer.
The game is pretty good overall but I moved on... and found these instead to help me enjoy the game:

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I remember played the crack razor1911 it was like "what the fuck it is?" After started playing it was......
something I've never played before.
The game is pretty good overall but I moved on... and found these instead to help me enjoy the game:

Ahh yes. I jerked off so many times in this🤣
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