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What kind of posts making sense to got 35 posts?


Mar 22, 2023
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Mod note: Read here for updated information about the new credit system

Hmm, because of the new rules, it's nessessary to do 35 posts. But, I'm not a game-maker, just a user. What do I have to post, that I reach the 35 posts? I don't know what I should write. Like I saw just answering to another post is not enough to count it. I feel a little lost.
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Just get yourself involved in discussions. Watch the lists of recent thread updates and jump into an active discussion. It's easier to do if you respond to conversations that genuinely interest you, rather than force posts, imo.
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I think it means you just reply with 'normal' comments that fit the threads you are responding to... like for example, just writing pointless comments like 'nice' or 'good shit' and then fucking off might not be enough
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But keep in mind a thread only counts as one post, so you need to respond to 35 threads so that;s why the forum is so busy all of the sudden.
what ive been doing is going over games ive played before and commenting on those. if you can try and make it full sentences
It was aked a lot what a meaningful post is, and basically every one assumes, it needs to be a "normal" comment or opinion on an topic/game etc. So not only "good game" or "i hate ntr" but a more elaborate answer/explainaiton or question.
But keep in mind a thread only counts as one post, so you need to respond to 35 threads so that;s why the forum is so busy all of the sudden.
I tought the mean not all in one thread so that ter aren't single threads with a monologue.
Honestly I don't think it's all that clear, so I've just been looking for games I played and giving feedback. It sucks we have to do this, but I think it will be worth it in the end.
Hoping i can get into a conversation so i can get this over with :D I really dont like chatting
Do i also have to download games first before a comment counts? just asking because many games here i already downloaded and played from cuck95.
Do i also have to download games first before a comment counts? just asking because many games here i already downloaded and played from cuck95.
No it does not include downloading games
Maybe you should reply a thanks in any game you liked
Hmm, because of the new rules, it's nessessary to do 35 posts. But, I'm not a game-maker, just a user. What do I have to post, that I reach the 35 posts? I don't know what I should write. Like I saw just answering to another post is not enough to count it. I feel a little lost.
Well, imma guess posts like these are certainly meeting the criteria. Dont reply in super short replies and spread them out, but honestly, idk how good their checks are and what exactly they can check for, especially now that its automated.
comment on games you like and why you like them, it would not only give you posts but people who will see these posts will know if its worth to downloading and trying the game, a win-win
Just try to find some disscussions you're interessted in. Or try to find some new games you like and create a review/comment about it.
Go on random threads and drop a comment related to the discussion, repeat until done
Commenting on things you like, for example threads about your favorite games, partner dynamics, favorite tags or obscure games. There's threads for a little bit of everything here that you can give your own viewpoints on, no need to stress too much about it since Mods seem to be pretty cool/lenient when it comes down to it
ive just been commenting on threads my opinions, sort of like talking into the void. i guess replying to interesting comments is also good :)
I've just been leaving comments on threads and reviewing some of my favorite games. Hopefully that will be enough
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