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What is your opinion on games with AI generated art?

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Feb 12, 2024
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Like the title says.

I don't mind them as long as its explicitly said it is AI and it does not have obvious 7 fingers. Usually second thing does it itself if the first one fails.
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I like some AI art so it has the potential to be good but so far I've never seen it be something I like. Right now at least there are too many issues with consistency between renders, ability to make animations, and overlooking the errors with stuff like hands on large quantities. So I don't expect much from in anytime in the near future.
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They all look similar to me, it gets boring after some time.
I really don't mind AI art, but it does begin to look noticeable, when the styling is all the same and you can tell it's generated. But I'm not against it being used.
very good creations can be made with good management.. AI is the future
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I don't like AI, but I won't shit on people who like it or generate it. I will just avoid games with AI content.
I've seen some which look good. but I've never (or at least rarely) seen them get past the initial release
never played one, what are some popular ones?
AI generated content for the adult genre is fine, although I would agree that it needs to be done well. The large penis that looks like a big toe, or a vagina with teeth is where I draw the line. There are a few developers out there that have the skill set to pull it off.
like normal art it can be good or terrible, have been watching some movie trailers on youtube that done like 80s style that are ai and some are truly excellent
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never played one, what are some popular ones?
Not sure if there are "popular ones" although the style is relatively distinctive and if you search for tags AI you should find a few.

Here is one: Red Brim

Another: Deviant Dreams
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AI will eventually replace the real porn tag since you can just make your own without having to find something that fits the narrative. Still all samey looking so I don't like it.
So long as it looks decent I don't really care if it's AI.
No soy fanático de ese estilo artístico en estos juegos.
Me parece bien. Normalmente tampoco me gusta tanto como otros estilos.
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I'm not really attracted to the style, some don't even care about "fixing pictures" and you can see some deformities in the limbs, sometimes it feels like they are just for the quick produce - quick money grab.
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i did enjoy the donk date im not gonna lie, am i a freak?
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