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What games you've played that were so bad that you vow to never play it ever again?

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May 9, 2023
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Title says everything, forgot the name of the game but it was so buggy I just raised my hands and gave up before closing it.
Foot of the mountains is vile. Really, really vile.
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the name was "chronos titan ....something", it has bugs for days till forever, and the gameplay for me is slow.
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Any game that requires NASA super computer to run, and most of VN's, pictures of which I can easily download from a random free hentai site.

Actually if the game got a long unskippable prologue/scenes, I'd rather watch it somewhere else on ph or xv
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Fortnite xD
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Generally I just delete them and never think about them again
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Maou-sama or whatever. Art was good but the story was... I don't know. Chaotic? Non-linear? It confused the hell out of me.
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personally i really dislike card games
the randomness and boring deck building throws me off immediately
Nudist School. Even if I'm supposed to suspend my sense of belief... this was way too unbelievable. Also, the dialogues made me cringe hard.
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Nudist School. Even if I'm supposed to suspend my sense of belief... this was way too unbelievable. Also, the dialogues made me cringe hard.
Yeah this is one I also stopped playing. The sex seemed to happen way too easily and fast and there was no good build up imo.
The first was ET for the Atari 2600. That's like legendary level bad. They actually had to dig a hole to bury a shit ton of unsold games when the word got out.
Most bad games are also forgettable games. The ones that stick with me could have been good, but the dev lost focus or made a bad decision. Dating My Daughter, Daughter for Dessert, and Single Again come to mind.
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persona 5 would be the one i remember to fall into this category. hated the dumb writing, asinine snail's pace for artificial drama. no subtlety and everything that made earlier personas beloved by me removed in favor of flash, telling not showing and stupidity bordering retardation. and yes i am still vile about it since it was one of the few games i actually had expectations for. not gonna go after that friends taste anymore
ffxiv, only one i stopped playing and was worth even remembering. I have heard that after they fixed it, it was actually better than ffxi but i was so disappointed it bred resentment. so never again
As others have said, if the games bad, I'll likely just forget it. However, there are games, and franchises, that are either beloved, or once beloved, that I just never got into. No matter how many hours I tried to force my way in, nor who I played with, I just couldn't ever get into.
Lords of the fallen, that thing was soo badly done I got mad an hour into the gameplay
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