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what games we want to see more of.... go!

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We want to see more pregnancies !!
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I'm a fan of anything with super powers. I feel like usually the games with them aren't very good though.
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I'm a huge fan of Choice of Games, tho i wish we'd get a true adult/porn oriented one. something akin to Tin Star with sexual scenes would be god-tier for me.
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more petite framed ladies, renpy style gameplay, with aggressive/dominant mc's
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Something that's a bit fantasy/medieval. Maybe even something using a Tolkien style setting. Or, alternately, if anyone is familiar with Discworld - I'd love to bang Angua. ;)
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Games in a Historical Setting.
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I want to see more of futanari and femboy. I've only played two but the creator changed the project and it's taking a while but it's worth the wait. Then I'll let you know the name of the new project!
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More petite girls who don't have double d size boobs.
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I want to see more of futanari and femboy. I've only played two but the creator changed the project and it's taking a while but it's worth the wait. Then I'll let you know the name of the new project!
i don't know how you feel about text games with character bust CG's, but id recommend either Trials In Tainted space or Corruption of Champions 1 or 2 since a good chunk of Npc's are either futa or femboy, and that's without going in how much of a Futa/Femboy you want your player character to become.
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I really like single player campaign mode games. Have leaderboards and a grouping system if you want it, but not as a core requirement to play the game.

Also, I would like to see more one-off games that are not a remake, reboot, or part of a franchise.

Also I want a shota game featuring Atreus from the 2018 God of War, but for .... lascivious carnal purposes. :sneaky::love:
Pregnancy games with pregnancy THROUGHOUT the game, not just as an ending/epilogue.
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Id like to see an actual triple A game type of game ( I know it will never happen), Polished and everything!
Full rpgs like 'A Struggle with Sin' with meaningful choices, fun combat and progression as well as a rich story to get immersed in
Fanatasy setting with dungeons and a group of heroes with the archetype of warrior and healer and so on.
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