What game engine do you prefer adult games to use?


Biting Beaver
Jul 31, 2022
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Ren'py and Unity.
Depends what type of game you want to make?
Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

For a VN without out much actual gameplay - just use Ren'py.
Even then the version matters - still like Ren'Py 7.4.11 the best.
Ren'Py 7.5.xx - ???
Ren'Py 8.0.2 - Still seems like a work in progress?!
It uses Python 3.9 (Not a bad thing, and will be the way to go soon...ish, but.....)

Good luck with your game!
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I like renpy
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Renpy all the way
Just like my name lol

No sandbox please
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I like renpy as it allows you to extract the game files and make edits to images and script files easily without much of a hassle except for the new renpy version that has py3- in front of the folder names in the lib folder which require you to delete that from the names before unren will work and then overwrite the lib folder afterwards so that the game starts up.
I like unity games because you can use cheat engine with many of them.
I like RPGM when I want to exercise but don't actually feel like walking or running anywhere and the rpgm save editor works with most of them.
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Ren'py, although I want to give a try at some point. I love how there's more FOSS for game engines.
It really depends on how good the Developer(s) know the engine they are using: I rather have a well made Unity game then a bad Ren'py. That said, most dev's seem to have a good handle on Ren'py. Apparently it is easier to learn?
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I’m a big fan of ren’py. I do like a mix of ren’py with some sandbox once in a while but no grinds.
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I'm going to be different and say: Ren'py
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I prefer playing Ren'py games. Also hate sandboxes. Absolutely hate having to play a scene multiply times to move forward. And not knowing how many times you need to play the scene. So walkthrough are very much appreciated with sandboxes, and all games really.
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renpy, there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
not much games out there, who do stuff that isnt possible with renpy.
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I like RenPy. Story first. When I play in another engine, I desperately miss several of the default RenPy behaviors like rollback, at-will saves, progress with click or Enter, and so on.

I also like to unren games, look at the code//variables, mess with the console, and so on, so I can tweak things and see alternate paths without having to play through the whole game again or have a ton of saves.
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Ren'Py!!!! I can count the games in other engines I played on one hand and I've been playing AVNs for almost 5 years.
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By preference
1. Renpy
2. Unity

I hates the RPGM
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If it's not Renpy, I don't even bother with downloading the game.
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Whatever engine allow the dev's vision to come true. I prefer HTML since I favor those dreaded HTML sandboxes, but at the end, I won't discard any game just for the engine, it's absurd.
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Hmm favored game type.

1) TTRPG (Table Top) :)

2) Board :devilish:

3) Renpy

Unity and RPGM can be ok if done well, but like others I like to rollback and use the console to cheat with Renpy. :)

Just a thought
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It's fast, it's convenient and if your skills allows it, it can be very flexible. Perfect games to show off it's flexibility can be Witch Trainer Silver, Four Elements trainer or The Pilgrimage. Best of all, most are visual novels. So you both have to put minimal effort while being sucked into the story.
If the game sucks, you can just CTRL through it.

Honestly most of the RPGM games are pure grindfests. Bloated with superficial, nonsensical combat and itemization. Listen, I don't want to kill 70 goblins to get to a single scene. Neither I want to walk around with outdated arrow key movement inputs.
One of few games which actually are good for a RPGM are Claire's Quest and Slice of Venture 2.
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Ren'py and Unity I consider them the best
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Personally I prefer Renpy for most games, and sometimes Unity.

All other engines have to many drawbacks.
Based on my game collection, apparently Ren'Py, followed by HTML
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