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What do you think of censoring porn search terms?

What do you think of censoring porn search terms?

  • I wasn't aware of it, and I'm fine with what's been blocked from searches.

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Sep 15, 2023
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While I understand that some terms are reasonable to filter out of searches to protect a site, what do you think about the amount of words that porn websites refuse to allow in search results? Further more, is there a specific search term you're frustrated is being censored when you try to search for porn?

The one that comes to mind right off the bat for me that seems a little too much is "drunk." I get that it probably is too close to searching for non-consensual type content, but it seems a bit too far IMO. I'm sure I could figure out others, but not sure I want to go spam a bunch of questionable terms. I can only guess which three letter agency would come knocking if I did.
Many sites dont like Puking content and that one is heavily cencored as well.
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this is what censorship looks like
the problem isn't ppl searching for what you don't want to offer, it's checking that you don't offer it.
i mean if it isn't there you won't have that much search, the web being what it is you can find pretty quickly where to search for what you want.
Its fine, there are a lot of gross porn out there and its better to prevent 99% of people being grossed out just so a very niche audience can find what they want.
Yea i agree, maybe the niche kinks. maybe that can be censored. but general porn, i think that should be easily accessible
censoring search is kind of disgusting for me. it rly annoying if you search for something but have to look at 90% of stuff you are not interessted it. or event worse dislike. just make a blacklist system and put some stuff in by default while asking at account creation. anyone complaining about stuff is acting like a child.
If ya don't want to see it, then don't search for it. No need to censor anything
This User is on vacation. Response time may be delayed. Vacation to Jun 29, 2076.
Teen above all, before it was one of the most searched terms, which was normal since it did not refer to minors as such, only young girls, although it is still on porn pages, search engines avoid these types of sites or put them in the queue. .
I get annoyed when variants of the word "degrade/degrading" are censored. I also don't like non-consensual degradation, but there's plenty of consensual role-play that this blocks off.
Corporations run those sites and don't wanna get blacklisted by VISA, so censoring was always gonna happen.
It's silly. Unless the sites are actually getting rid of whatever those searches would find then it's just theatre. Just like having a landlady and the dev pretending that the ic patch is fan made.
Honestly, if a porn site doesn't want to host a particular kind of content I would prefer that they say "no, we're not showing you that", instead of "Here's 20,000 results that are not what you want"
IDK of such a thing, this is the first time I hear about such a censorship. But I'm not worried cuz there's always a way to find what you're looking for.
It's annoying, but it is what it is. Lots of purity laws in many countries makes it hard to allow certain search terms. For example, on e-hentai.org, you can search for Incest by typing $inzest.
I think it's stupid and just virtue signalling, since they still host the videos containing the content, they just don't show based search based on certain words... so uploaders get around it by using alternate words, like "Tipsy" instead of "Drunk" or "Napping" instead of "Sleeping.
Nowadays most teenagers can acces to porn and they use it as a learning tool. Sadly most of them cant diference between role playing o the real thing. So IMO some censor in the words that coulb be dangerous are neccessary.
It's annoying, but it is what it is. Lots of purity laws in many countries makes it hard to allow certain search terms. For example, on e-hentai.org, you can search for Incest by typing $inzest.
just use sadpanda if you're going for the censored kinks.
No answer for 'i know about it but I am not very concerned'.
It isn't really censoring since that they are trying to do normally is moderate what traffic they get and to discourage certain content.
I love sleep sex role play, but obviously people used to post actual rape under that category so I can see why many websites blocked the term 'sleeping'.
It's just websites trying to cover their backs legally.
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