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What do you all think of games where you have to "lose" to see the porn?


Sep 4, 2023
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Side scrollers where you play a female and only see the sex scenes come to mind.

Personally I can't find the logic in them. Seems to me the scenes should be a reward not a punishment (if you can call it that). And if they are being used as the "punishment" what's the point in beating the game?
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I don't have a problem with it honestly. For example in a game like Arenus or Claire's Quest you'd intentionally lose to get the scenes and they're pretty awesome. Usually it's games with a female protagonist sooooooooo yeah. Lot of the female protagonist games end up having the protagonist be kinda slutty anyway.
I don't inherently dislike it but if it's an RPG maker game with a lot of enemies and all of them have the same death animation it sucks
I hate them, as you said it should be a reward, I guess some scenes here and there are fine, but not only when you lose.
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May I introduce you to our lord and savior Monster Girl Quest?
IMHO they suck!!
Its not bad, but it can be, most of them just have some generic drawings and then have you go around getting defeated just to collect so-so images and sometimes it doesnt even tell you if there is defeated scenes or not
iirc theres a succubus game where if you have a "perfect playthrough" you get no content. while the content from losing was good, it was kinda disappointing there wasnt any kind of reward for doing everything right
Well, it makes it easier. What sucks are where you have to WIN to see it and it has any more than extremely minor difficulty.
One of the dumbest mechanics ever. I understand a game having more paths and getting specific content for each but making you run into a brick wall and lose to get content is just a waste of time and I'm thankfull to all those modders out there that fix all these multi-paths and make galleries.
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Hate it but the Raptus did it good it is clearly stated. I really hate those one small choice just end in game over.
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I mean the main issue with those types of the game is you have make losing enjoyable outside of the content that people want to see. If it's just for the content, people are going to ask for gallery to get their rocks off.
That depends on the consequences, if we have to lose to progress the main story I say yay, if we have to lose to see content i see it as grinding therefore I say nay
i get the appeal: you play as a supposedly strong character who should save everyone or whatnot, and then everything goes south when the char "unexpactedly" loses. but for someone like me who is a tryhard at winning, like: "i can not use summons or anything else then my sword for malenia"-type of tryhard, this sadly has no appeal at all since i HATE losing xD
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If you have to start all over again it's something i don't like.
Some of the games i tried had really good scenes, but i didn't feel rewarding to start all over again just to see a short animation.
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As long as you can save whenever you want and not only "out of conversation" (looking at you RPGM) then i don't care.
You save, lose, enjoy, reload, win.
Extra Points when it has a gallery
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It's outdated bad design. Unless its those games where you don't "win" at all (simulation or something).
If you are required to save hundreds of times just to hunt for scenes that's just padding.
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RPG games have a lot of this and that's why I don't like this engine
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