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What are your 5 favorite VNs & 3 VNs that you wish you'd never started?


Aug 19, 2022
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Just interested in seeing other folk's opinions. Just list the names, or say why you liked/dislikes your choices. My list, to start the ball rolling....

MIST - Simply a great story with interesting characters
Found in Translation - Good graphics, fun characters, very funny script
Cosy Cafe - Interesting story; kinda sucks you in; nice graphics and very good script
Crimson High - An interesting take on an old theme
The Daddy Plan - In my eyes, Shaddy can do no wrong: super graphics, great story, just 100%

Covenant of Morn - Really disappointed in this, especially as I was so impressed with MIST
Alt/Ctrl/Del - Not a well constructed story, just confusing!
WeirdShitIsGoingToHappen - Yup, very weird. Sorry, but not my thing at all.

Obviously, there are many other VNs that I've really enjoyed, but I simply listed my own favorite 5.
Equally, the 3 that I didn't like are not the only ones I give a thumbs down to. However, I disliked them so much that I actually remember deleting them.

These are all simply my opinions. Whether you agree or violently disagree is entirely your prerogative.
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I think Covenant of Morn is okay but it's disappointing compared to MIST, which I agree is one of the all time best. I'm not even really sure why I'm so disappointed in it, it also looks great, has great animations, etc, but I guess it just doesn't have the same hook that MIST does.
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1: Grandma's house
2: mist
3: My dorm
4: serenity
5: the sunset fairies
wish i never started
1: anything by ioterro (he really butchers the eng language and gets pissed if you tell him about it)
2/3: been too many to decide to list lol
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Five i really like in no particular order
1. Eternum- good story, good characters, high production value.
2. Leap of faith- a porn game that made me feel something
3. Artemis- fun characters, and i like near future tech in stories
4. Mist- good unique story/mechanics
5. Out of touch- synth wave + anime = badass

Three i couldn't get into but not necessarily bad
1. City of broken Dreamers- seemed good, but the English dialog wasn't translated well.
2. My Bully is my Lover- just couldn't get into it
3. Acting lessons- I played it right after leap of faith, and heard it was heart breaking, but it just didn't hit the same way. The twist seemed cheap.
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Five I like
1. The Headmaster - Love the power-trip fantasy with realistic character interactions
2. Ecchi Sensei (wish it wasn't abandoned) - Very Immersive and fun
3. Eternum - Just Wow
4. Long Live the Princess - the perfect medieval fantasy and actual solid game
5. Waifu Academy

Three I regret
1. Personal Trainer - Just became boring and sad
2. Melody - Very little reward for how long it was
3. Maou-Sama - Not even worth the download and each scene cost me braincells
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Ones I liked maybe ToN, where the heart is, My Dorm, Radiant, Away from home
The ones I regret playing:
1. Anything by Mr Dots, specially sunshine love and DMD
2. Anything by inceton, specially lustyverse : Passion
3. Triple ex
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Dating my Daughter... only because it was so good that it set the bar damn high for anything even remotely close to that genre thereafter.

Daddy daughter loli + friends all with a bitch psycho ex-wife. The writing was so good that it seems like clips someones life put together. I'm still not sure how they wrote the daughter's dialogue so well and kept from turning her into the usual 3 dollar hooker that most VN's do.

While Bella was the star of the VN her little red head friend was a lot of people's favorite body model. I'm still surprised they were able to get away with that.

I think that VN team should do a new Daddy daughter one considering how well that one did. But they should only release it when it's finished haha.
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1: Grandma's house
2: mist
3: My dorm
4: serenity
5: the sunset fairies
wish i never started
1: anything by ioterro (he really butchers the eng language and gets pissed if you tell him about it)
2/3: been too many to decide to list lol
For some reason I thought Sunset Fairies had been abandoned, glad to see it's not!
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gonna stick to pure vns so anything like rpgmaker/unity won't be added
mist(the other game the dev was working on was very unique and interesting too before he switched gears to mist)
the headmaster(some updates are very much worth the wait but every once in a while we get a meh update)
agent 17(feels like the updates take forever but has some good scenes)
waifu academy
deviant anomalies
most of the bigger games i enjoy take time since the more paths the more potential to break things

honorable mentions
desert stalker
long live the princess
dreams of desire
big brother(what got me on h-game forums. before i found games like a stupid caveman)

waste of time:
doors: has all the right tags to sucker me in. the lewd scenes are so far and few in between. it is not worth GBs of space.

squirrel legacy: it is ntr focused and the dev basically dropped the game but slapped a complete tag on it

lust man standing: how's you gonna make a h-game with no h. that's like a grilled cheese.... with no cheese or bread

dishonorable mentions:
there was a japanese vn that had all the right tags and turned into huge disappointment. thought was going to have the mom the little sis makes out with the bro, it was not. one 3 pic(literally a 5 yo could draw better in ms paint) scene of sis with some fat black dude and the mom just kissing with the son. felt incomplete but was listed as complete.

hosting the quarter back: basically you play as a micro dick white guy while a bbc guy bangs everyone you know(if you had a dog he'd probably bang it just to spite you) hated mc enough couldn't get past first scene before binning it

reparations: see my review for the above game, add more bbcs, take mc's dick from last game and shrink it so it is 1/1000th of the above's and you basically have this game. o and also you can get dominated and have gay segs with the bbc too if you felt left out.

any h-game that has the no sexual content tag
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i liked:
incestual awakening
parental love
forbidden passion

i regret knowing about
dating my daughter (hot take but its too much of a slow burn)
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2.Stranded in space
3.Ecchi Sensei
4.Once in a lifetime
5.Camp Klondike

Waste of time
1.Lessons in love (used to be really into it but I stopped when the story starting dragging on)
2.sinful summer (holy boring batman)
3.rogue-like evolution (I still play it but god damn has it been a time sink since a girl was added that I actually like)
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Mist is amazing
I also like The Headmaster has a really great mix of girls.
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Just interested in seeing other folk's opinions. Just list the names, or say why you liked/dislikes your choices. My list, to start the ball rolling....

MIST - Simply a great story with interesting characters
Found in Translation - Good graphics, fun characters, very funny script
Cosy Cafe - Interesting story; kinda sucks you in; nice graphics and very good script
Crimson High - An interesting take on an old theme
The Daddy Plan - In my eyes, Shaddy can do no wrong: super graphics, great story, just 100%

Covenant of Morn - Really disappointed in this, especially as I was so impressed with MIST
Alt/Ctrl/Del - Not a well constructed story, just confusing!
WeirdShitIsGoingToHappen - Yup, very weird. Sorry, but not my thing at all.

Obviously, there are many other VNs that I've really enjoyed, but I simply listed my own favorite 5.
Equally, the 3 that I didn't like are not the only ones I give a thumbs down to. However, I disliked them so much that I actually remember deleting them.

These are all simply my opinions. Whether you agree or violently disagree is entirely your prerogative.
I would find it too hard to narrow down just 5 favorites, but as for a waste of time, Deserted in Paradise by Crumbbum, because it got abandoned while I was enjoying it (and I feel bad for that guy's patreons, because it really felt like a "take the money and run" situation)
Time loop hunter (it was by no means bad art, and the story seemed interesting, but I just really couldn't get into the gameplay of it)
and Acting Lessons because it was just too damn sad, man.
theres more, either also due to abandonment, terrible English I couldn't get past, or art that was just too jank, but the names are not coming to mind.
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It's early days yet, but interesting that MIST seems to be a common favorite. Just goes to show that the most important element of a VN's popularity appears to be a good story-line. Later on, I'll start compiling a scoreboard; it will be interesting to see which VNs come out on top, and which are regarded as total stinkers :unsure:
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Just interested in seeing other folk's opinions. Just list the names, or say why you liked/dislikes your choices. My list, to start the ball rolling....

MIST - Simply a great story with interesting characters
Found in Translation - Good graphics, fun characters, very funny script
Cosy Cafe - Interesting story; kinda sucks you in; nice graphics and very good script
Crimson High - An interesting take on an old theme
The Daddy Plan - In my eyes, Shaddy can do no wrong: super graphics, great story, just 100%

Covenant of Morn - Really disappointed in this, especially as I was so impressed with MIST
Alt/Ctrl/Del - Not a well constructed story, just confusing!
WeirdShitIsGoingToHappen - Yup, very weird. Sorry, but not my thing at all.

Obviously, there are many other VNs that I've really enjoyed, but I simply listed my own favorite 5.
Equally, the 3 that I didn't like are not the only ones I give a thumbs down to. However, I disliked them so much that I actually remember deleting them.

These are all simply my opinions. Whether you agree or violently disagree is entirely your prerogative.
Agree with the likes, except MIST purely because I never tried it. I keep seeing it but something about the styling made me give it a miss. I'll have a try, seems to get a few mentions in this thread.

Are those waste of time ones just ones you happen to remember or are you tracking bad games so you don't go back to them?
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oky so my likes is
a struggle with sin
apocalypse by legacy user
the assistant
the assistant dark heart edition
and many more which i forgot the names of and as for dislikes well i think i do have some but I don't know their name and i forgot what its about
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It's early days yet, but interesting that MIST seems to be a common favorite. Just goes to show that the most important element of a VN's popularity appears to be a good story-line. Later on, I'll start compiling a scoreboard; it will be interesting to see which VNs come out on top, and which are regarded as total stinkers :unsure:
Mist has a great story but also a unique, attractive visual style with great models and animations. It's really outstanding in basically every area for the genre.
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Downloading Mist right now after so many Recommends... Somehow had overlooked it every time.
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Top 5 AVN
Parental love- I love the characters it was really fun to play was also my 1st AVN
Sisterly Lust- Havent played in a long while but I loved the interactions with brunette girl and saving the blonde girl from a bad marriage
My Dorm- It on going but this is a 1st that im actually wait for updates its really good
MIST- I know it been said many times already but damn im not a big fan of horror but this was hella fun
My New Family- all i can say is its TOP TIER

Top 3 that i regret
Badbobbysaga(any of them) there is always a damn remake or remaster what ever and it just NEVER FINISH like can you please stop it already
Glassix(how ever you spell it) I don't like it it really bland i want to like it but just feels like a waste of time
FreeLoadingFamily I always felt like it was trying to hard at 1st I liked it but after awhile it just got really boring like kinda makes no sense to fire the teacher i was really bored of with sex too, completed just to see how it ends and just its meh
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Agree with the likes, except MIST purely because I never tried it. I keep seeing it but something about the styling made me give it a miss. I'll have a try, seems to get a few mentions in this thread.

Are those waste of time ones just ones you happen to remember or are you tracking bad games so you don't go back to them?
TBH, I try and stick with them for as long as I can, just to see if I'm missing something. Sometimes I do get to the end and think "meh"; other times I get so bored/frustrated with it I just jack it in and delete the game.
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