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What are some of your guilty pleasures in life?

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Sep 26, 2023
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I'm not limiting this to adult games here, it could be a movie you think no one likes, a song, certain foods, etc.
I like a couple of Taylor Swift's songs haha
well, porn, Coca Cola and internet, what can i say, im a simple man
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eat desserts that contain cheese, i am lactose intolerant but i love them
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What are some of your guilty pleasures in life?​

Mostly your mom, I'd say... :kek:
Laying down about everyday around 230pm and reading myself into a short nap
I love the movie Down Periscope. I just think it's hilarious.
Greasy food. Deep fryed stuff, or even quite healthy dishes with but smothered in olive oil. I love oil in my food.
Watching youtube shorts. I hate what they do to my brain. I'm helpless to it.
Watching youtube shorts. I hate what they do to my brain. I'm helpless to it.
Oh man, that's me since a friend talked me into getting tiktok. I spent 15 years avoiding the social media brainrot train, and now here I am
My guilty pleasures aside from porn/hentai are few, however one I can say is the tremors movie franchise. Its so dumb that its enjoyable.
I love me some old japanese samurai movies. Everybody just roll their eyes if i suggest to watch therm
People watching, I really just enjoy sitting around and just watch people while wondering about what their life is like, their struggles and ambitions. Friends think I am weird but I just find it so relaxing, you see them for maybe a few seconds or minutes at most to then most likely never see them again.
Sodas/fizzy drinks, lazying around while watching something, smoking the occasional joint and harem games. Live life like you wanna
My guilty pleasures aside from porn/hentai are few, however one I can say is the tremors movie franchise. Its so dumb that its enjoyable.
I enjoyed the first one. Fred Ward in it, I think. The monsters reminded me of Cthonians from Cthulu Methos (without the hectic mind powers, of course).
Lolis. Pretty much lolis. In this world, if the wrong people find out you like lolis...not good. :cautious:

Otherwise I would say the movie The Big Hit. An early Mark Wahlberg action-comedy vehicle in which he plays the hitman-with-a-heart-of-gold trope up to 11. So bad it circles around to become epic. 🤣
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