Considering the troubles this site just went through, I completely understand the new ranks requirements.
I really hope that will be enough to mitigate the issue.
I'm a bit concerned about the way the site works right now though, because as more users discuss in forums that will be visible to newcomers, they might mention games that are not accessible, but since the URL to it contains the game title, it would confirm to users who didn't reach the rank that the site contains that game. These URLs may even get posted on other sites.
So I don't know how flexible the whole software is, and I understand it would be an inconvenience for users who kept bookmarks to their favorite content, but I believe moving URLs to unique IDs without any special meaning instead of game titles would be safer to help protect the site.
I really hope that will be enough to mitigate the issue.
I'm a bit concerned about the way the site works right now though, because as more users discuss in forums that will be visible to newcomers, they might mention games that are not accessible, but since the URL to it contains the game title, it would confirm to users who didn't reach the rank that the site contains that game. These URLs may even get posted on other sites.
So I don't know how flexible the whole software is, and I understand it would be an inconvenience for users who kept bookmarks to their favorite content, but I believe moving URLs to unique IDs without any special meaning instead of game titles would be safer to help protect the site.