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VR porn games?


Sep 27, 2023
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Other than the jazz that's on Steam, I'm looking for something to just get lost in, koikatsu is ok but I'm looking for something more. Is there a site like this for them or at least a place to find them?
So the are out there. A few sites sort of like this which shall not be named have them. But, in case you are new to VR porn in particular, some thoughts, if you like. Or, stop reading here :)

I have searched for a) vr erotic games that you can play without occupying both hands and maybe a foot to control xyz movements plus interactions. Clearly this is an issue for most for fairly obvious reasons. Additionally, they are often programmed for the controller(s) I don't have. I have an occulus and I have also used an xbox controller. Also wsad + whatever mystery keys the game uses but never provides a key to. And b) Games that work at all and have good erotic and or kinky scenes.
I do have a short list of what I like, but that is very individual of course. And it is a short list. I have a bunch of others that I try to 'decode' once in a while, try to figure out how to control them.
Anyway, as I said, you can start with those other sites.
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VR Kanojo is pretty good.
VAM is another one but has a huge learning curve. And its more a media room to create different scenarios instead of an actual game though.
I've tried a few out there but most of them took too much effort for me to really get in the mood. I ended up just watching 3d animations.
I have a quest and can’t find much. It’s usually side load too. Maybe one day…
Honestly it's pretty tough creating adult games just as they are, I couldn't imagine trying to develop a 3d adult vr game. It would take a lot of time and resources that most independent developers don't have.
VR devices are too expensive just for gaming :cry:
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Maybe not all of these VR porn games, but it's not the whole list either (they're all for the quest)
Sex drugs and cyberpunk, Dominatrix Simulator, I think these are on Steam so you may have already tried them. But they're both short, unfinished*, games I had fun messing around with, sadly I don't think VR is quite there yet
Is it worth to spend money to buy a VR to play porn games?
It would be absolutely incredible, although there are very few normal games with VR, even fewer will there be porn games
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