VR and VR Games

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Jan 11, 2023
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How do you feel about VR and VR Adult Games?
Are you excited or sceptical of where VR is going?
Do you have a VR headset?

Me personally I love vr but there's still so little for it. I only have a couple games that I rarely play. I watch more vr porn then play games. If you never tried vr porn its amasing.
Im cautously optimistic for vr but it seems to be going so slow. Theres so much potential thats just not being used because its so niche and expensive. I wish we were at the point where we had good headsets for cheap and good sync toys like The Handy that perfectly simulated everything.
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I have a quest 2 but thereĀ“s just not good enough content that actually works well and is somewhat interesting. To be fair I havent really searched for games in the last 6 months though.
Who the hell has the money for an VR device? The technology is not there just yet, give it a decade or so. Or maybe Elon Musk's Neurolink will get popular and we'll have porn inserted into our brain directly, who knows.
are there any good games?
I enjoy my VR Headset for watching (all kinds of) movies, especally 3D is amazing. So in general i would be excited to get the full VR Porn Games experience.
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I had a Rift S a while back
good non porn VR games - Beat Sabre, Lone Echo, Blade and Scorcery, Super Hot
good porn VR games - VR Kanojo, VAM
VR porn is dope.
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I've got an Index. I barely used it because nothing really gripped me.
I want to build a sim rig for iRacing. So I think I may use my vr for that.
Porn wise I'll watch those 3d animations which are pretty cool because they have added depth perception.
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