You must be registered to see attachments
As an uploader, you will be expected to create and/or update game threads that are requested by members. However, feel free to post any you think should be on the site that has not been requested.
Threads will need to contain all the usual information (look at any of the current game threads), whether you need to hunt it down or get it from the member who requested it.
Basic bbcode knowledge is preferred, but not required.
If you would like to become an uploader please open a ticket, and select 'Staff Applications'
You will need to be at least somewhat active on both the site and discord in order to remain an Uploader.
Title the Ticket `Uploader App`
copy/paste and fill in the section below as best you can.
1. LewdCorner username
2. Username in the
You must be registered to see links
3. Availability i.e. hours or days per week.
4. Reason for wanting to be an uploader.
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