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UnRenGUI, UnRen-forall(v9.4), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9.4), UnRen-old by VepsrP

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Sep 26, 2023
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"I created this topic to simplify updating and maintaining the tool, so that people no longer have to search for the current version among the messages.
I am also ready to present a version of the tool with a graphical interface. Like the main tool, this version comes in two variants.

Here is a link Unren by Sam to the original topic, the tool was not invented by me, I'm just trying to keep it up-to-date as much as possible. You can also see there that for about the last six months I have been trying to keep this tool in operation.
Here is a link to repo if anyone is interested."

1. Copy UnRen.bat to game's root directory (where the exe is)
2. Double click on UnRen.bat to execute
3. Select the option you require
No dependencies, no internet connection required. You can right click->edit to see the source. Works on Windows 7, 8 and 10. XP and Vista users might need this PowerShell update from Microsoft:
To run the script, right-click on it and select "Execute using PowerShell" in the drop-down menu
Required version 4+ of PowerShell. To check, use command $PSVersionTable.
If PowerShell script after the launch closes immediately - run PowerShell with administrator rights and excecute
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
The tool consists of two parts. The application itself and the file with the codes of the nested tools.
If there is an update of the unpacker or decompiler, then you will need to download only a text file with the appropriate changes and replace it in the program folder. Updates to the program itself will be marked with blue in "Change Log". Text file updates will be uploaded along with console versions and marked with red.
The program requires .Net Framework 4.7.2.

If you want work with one game at a time then pick One amount of games. If you have folder with multiples games, then pick many.
Sorting by date will sort by date of change.
Pick needed game in list of games, checked commands and options for you want and then click Execute button.
Wait for the finishing of the commands with message of it and unlocking GUI elements of form.

Known Issues:
- Having parentheses and some other special characters in your folder path may cause issues.
Attention. The name of the tool indicates the minimum version of RenPy required for working. The version can be found in the file "game/script_version.txt"

UnRen-forall(v9.4), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9.4): Recent bug fixes
UnRen-forall(v9.3), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9.3): Fixed the changes received during the attempt to support Sona-Nyl of the Violet Shadows. As a result, both it and Jeanne, demanded by timanuk, are now decompiled.
UnRen-forall(v9.2), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9.2): Support for the game Jeanne at the Clock Tower
UnRen-forall(v9.1), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9.1): A small correction to the processing of one type of parameters.
UnRen-forall(v9), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v9): Support for new parameters introduced in RenPy version 8.2. Also added support for atl.RawIf and atl.RawAction elements.
UnRen-forall(v8.16), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.16): Support for a couple of games.
UnRen-forall(v8.15), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.15), UnRenGUI: Added Camera and SLContinue support. There will no longer be a message about these objects as unknown. Version 8.14 dropped out of the queue as a defective update, which I didn't have time to post here, but posted on GitHub. The GUI version also has the ability to drag and drop the game folder (folder with gamefolders), If this option suits you better.
UnRen-forall(v8.13), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.13), UnRenGUI: Fixed an unexpected error with deleting archives. Also fixed the keys to run rpatool to delete archives.
UnRen-forall(v8.12), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.12), UnRenGUI(txt): Fixed a bug caused in older versions of the engine by the latest change.
UnRenGUI: The first release of the UnRenGUI tool re-created in C#. All basic functions should work as in previous versions of UnRen with a graphical interface. The program requires availability .Net Framework 4.7.2.
UnRen-forall(v8.11), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.11): Added support for new versions of "define". There may be problems with older versions of the engine, but this is not accurate.
UnRen-forall(v8.7), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.7): Fixed processing None type SLDisplayable objects
UnRen-forall(v8.6), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.6): Returned support for older versions of the engine (RenPy 7.3-).
UnRen-forall(v8.5), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.5): Added support for the latest version of IWH. Now even reading indexes and file contents is done by the engine. But I can't be sure that the old versions of the engine support this feature, I haven't tested on them.
UnRen-forall(v8.4), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.4): Support for the latest changes in the decompilation of Goodbye Eternity. Deleted the appearance of messages for debug left by mistake.
UnRen-forall(v8.3), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.3): Traversing "dots"(links to the current folder) in archives.
UnRen-forall(v8.2), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.2): Now the construct If True should compile normally.
UnRen-forall(v8.1), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8.1): A small correction of the logic of unpacking and returning to the root of the game after unpacking.
UnRen-forall(v8), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v8): Another attempt to support the ability to drag'n'drop or work directly from the desired folder. It should work this time. Even with an exclamation mark and a space in the path. But the parentheses are still not available.
UnRen-forall(v7), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v7): Correction of past developments. It should work now. But special characters are now banned again for the cmd file. PowerShell seems to be coping much better. In addition, I changed the job of the unpacker. Now he is looking for archives for himself to work with (which makes it easier to work with games where the archive extension is non-standard). And other minor fixes.
UnRen-forall(v6), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v6): Now it is possible to launch from one place and drag'n'drop game folder to receiving path. Archives with any modified extensions should also now be opened. Bugs are possible, I recommend beginners to wait for verification by more experienced users.
UnRen-forall(v5), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v5): Added support for archives with multiple dots in the file name
UnRen-forall(v4), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v4): Now all (or almost) special characters in the folder path should be supported, as well as non-ASCII characters, including Chinese characters and Hebrew, if the game engine is 8+. Also, I finally solved the problem with importing YVANeusEX for the game Goodbye Eternity. The standard version caused problems on the 8th engine.
UnRen-forall(v3), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v3): Returned the ability to decompile RNGeusEX games.
UnRen-forall(v2), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v2): Updated the unpacking script.
UnRen-forall(v1), UnRen-Powershell-forall(v1): Added the lost ability to unpack archives in older versions of the engine and the ability to decompile all supported formats by sending a section with files instead of sending each one found separately. In view of such global changes, a new naming was chosen.



  • UnRen-forallv9.4.zip
    58.6 KB · Views: 39
  • UnRenGUI.zip
    90.3 KB · Views: 27
  • UnRen-old.zip
    60.6 KB · Views: 9
  • UnRen-Powershell-forallv9.4.zip
    64.5 KB · Views: 8
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Can we get an updated version here on LC please? The current is v9.4 now.
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here you go
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  • UnRen-old.zip
    60.6 KB · Views: 0
  • UnRenGUI.zip
    90.3 KB · Views: 2
  • UnRen-Powershell-forallv9.4.zip
    64.5 KB · Views: 1
  • UnRen-forallv9.4.zip
    58.6 KB · Views: 7
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