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Tsunderes, appealing or not?

Do you like tsunderes in your H games?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 17 30.9%
  • I don't feel strongly about this subject

    Votes: 13 23.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 7, 2022
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I have a love-hate relationship with tsunderes and would like to know how other people feel about them.
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I have a love-only relationship with tsunderes
Abstracting from Japanese games, which I don't play (I just don't like them), then the love/hate relationship has a right to exist, why not. Such an option can even make the game's plot more interesting, more suspenseful.
Its kinda wholesome seeing a tsun-tsun opening up by sheer force of love and patience
I rather like the challenge but if she veers into brat-territory; then I am out
the tsundere except Rin Tohsaka
rest of them should never exist lol
They are annoying, even more so than any other generic character type.
If it's not too crazy, I guess it could be fine. If you can make her more cute crazy, whatever that would be. :D
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They might be appealing to watch in anime or games but they would be a pain in the ass in real life lol
Yeah I can't vote yes or no. It depends how they are written. In some games the tsundere is a emotionally wounded person that just needs to be listened to or given attention that has been absent in her life. But sometimes they're just mean and vindictive for fun and you have to "tame" them. Yeah no thanks, if the game doesn't let me disengage and just interact with them minimally then I consider dropping it.
Don't see the appeal of a women that secretly loves you and will provably kill you one day, but to each there own.
Why you would react fondly to someone being mean to you is beyond me.
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Angry, violent, combative behavior is not cute in a girl. You can keep your tsundere characters good sir!
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What the hell is a "tsundere"? Sounds like a creature from "Supernatural"...
Best girls are always Tsundere
depends how extreme the tsudere is, if its more like highschool crush levels thats ok, but i've seen some variants that come off as full on hate, until all of a sudden theres love and that type i hate
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