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Thoughts on repeatable/grind system in games?


Sep 2, 2023
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An example would be game Golden Mean where you have to repeat scenes to unlock more slow grind but imo is great considering first scene is very vanilla and later scenes would be more corrupt and saucy!
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Usually for grind like games the porn games are really far and between, even those that use that don't really manage to get far, from my experience I know that Van's get most of the live and that makes some creators take a step back when come to making link and grindy games.
But I like them honestly, not for the wank, but for the story (takes to much time to actually orgasm with them so I just focus on the lore 😜)
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I dont like any grind in games like that. Different paths locked behind points system that are given based on your previous choices? Sure, i like that. But all those repeatable events and money grind is just offputting. I dropped every game where you have to grind a lot of different stuff to move the plot. Its tedious.
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its a way to pad out the runtime, i remember really liking it in princess trainer, but i think i never liked it again in any game afterwards
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It leads to frustration and deleting game.
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Grinding isn't bad, but a porn game is a porn game, you don't need my playtime for analytics like rpgs on steam or something, and I don't want to have to grind out a porn game.
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Lot of the times I fall for grinding, but I actually don't like it. Because it doesn't respect my time.
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A little grinding is okay, but repeating more than 10 times the same things, big no no.
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Grinding is fun .. till it's not fun. Know what I mean?
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Grind is only enjoyable when you're doing content X to unlock content Y, if you're just repeating the same content over and over again, it's just annoying.
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I find them tedious and story-breaking personally. Someone clever will make the scenes evolve, at least a little bit, maybe with options, slightly different, evolving dialogue - just repeating the exact same scene I find a poor excuse for creativity (just my personal opinion ;) )
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I like games that are a bit slower, like that have a believable story line. It is all fantasy but works best in the brain when it comes close to reality. Of course most games in the extreme fantasy section are not based on any reality, I think i just like them as a fantasy.
Absolutely hate it, I don't have the damn patience
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depends on the game for me. it works in some trainer games but other than that i dont like it. viewing the same short scene with same dialouge multiple times to progress just breaks the story for me.
a little grind is fine, but when it is taken to an obviously stupid level, as an example the game Rewind by Sprinting Cucumber, than it is an issue.
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Not a fan there are a few that get it right but most end up with you doing the same scene hundreds of times hoping to unlock a new scene. To do grind right you have to make it user friendly, and the variables easy to understand. Not harder that doesn't work.

Usually a small guide and showing what the player needs to do for more scenes.
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Like most of you I don't like that. Having to do a little bit for unlocking new content is acceptable but repeating the same thing more than 10 time is unbearable and feel like a lazy way to raise the length of a game.
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I guess it depends on how grindy the game is and how good the story works with that. If it's just stupid click and repeat, espacially with money in games, it totally kills the flow and the boner, so no thanks.
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Making different choices for varying content is fine, but it would be much better if you could have a system where you go back to that branching choice and just replay from there without having to make multiple saves to try to do everything. Having to replay an entire game just to get a few different seems is a slogfest and makes me delete a game.
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