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Tattoo on women


Mar 5, 2023
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What do you think on tattoo's on women. Not a big fan personally. Quickest way to go from a 10 to a 2 in my books
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What do you think on tattoo's on women. Not a big fan personally. Quickest way to go from a 10 to a 2 in my books
I have similar feelings, I don't like tattoos either and my rating of a girl drops drastically like yours
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Depends completely on the type of woman. Some girls REALLY wear it well - and it can be sexy as hell.. But for example, the classic tramp stamp is just... trashy AF< not sexy at all. :)
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different women - different perception. some of them fit, and some don't. although it is worth comparing tattoos and branding - as a sign of belonging. accordingly, I personally do not like it too much. especially when the woman is marked "Mark eternal love" and she lives with Tom.
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I think that tattoos are sexy aslong they are not overly used. Personally I am a big fan of hand tats (male) and thigh tats (female)!
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Small, single ones are okay. Sleeves and/or more than one on the whole body looks like shitty scrapbook. Generally the prettier girl, the bigger is waste of natural body.
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then you have a nice acceptance, I have a problem with the smallest tattoos and she has to be a really hot girl so that even the smallest tattoo doesn't make me vomit
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if the tattoo is hard af on her then hell yeah tats on ladies is hot af

if its just scribbles and doodles,im like BRUH
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Just like any visual spice, or meaningful accessory, the right one on the right person is sublime. The wrong one on the wrong person can make anything a turn off.
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Depends completely on the type of woman. Some girls REALLY wear it well - and it can be sexy as hell.. But for example, the classic tramp stamp is just... trashy AF< not sexy at all. :)
Yes this
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Apart from the hiedous looks especially with age it's a health risk and i don't like it. Pristine white or black or yellow or red skin for me.
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It depends on the tattoos, quality and the amount.
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If they're not too many and too large, I'm OK with them. But if her entire body is covered in tattoos: 🤮
I like tattoos but I don't like when the entire person's body is full on tattooed tbh
I'm just gonna bounce off of whatever everyone else is saying and agree, some women wear it well, some don't.
I like tattoos but I don't like when the entire person's body is full on tattooed tbh
yeah man that looks shit imo. half hands is okay as long as it looks good.
I love tattoos...in real life. I have 4 quite big ones including my avatar pic..this one is on my back. And i really like women's with tattoos..its kinda one of kink. Buuuuut....i dont like much tattoos on girls/womens in games...weird right. In games i prefer them smooth and shiny and no tattoos lol.
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