Multi Sunshine Love - Multi Mod [Ch.1 v1.00, Ch.2 v1.01i, & Ch.3 v1.01i] [Sancho1969]

Fallen Angel Productions

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Apr 23, 2022
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In-game mod for Sunshine Love
Multi-mod adds support for save descriptions, choice guide, custom stat screens, custom scene gallery, custom settings, custom fonts and more.
As always if you like the game please show your support for the Developer whose respective links are found below.

*** The latest SanchoMod Core v7b ***
Massive overhaul of core mod with 1,000's of cumulative hours in development

Important: The iPatch is already included, do NOT reinstall it, the mod is a complete package.​

Updated: 01-17-2024
Game/Creator: Sunshine Love
Modder: Sancho1969 (No Links Available)
Mod Version: Ch1 v1.00, Ch2 v1.01i, & Ch3 v1.01i
Game Version: Ch1 v1.00 Extras, Ch2 v1.01i Extras, & Ch3 v1.01i Extras
Language: English

  • Improved aesthetics with animated mod menus/screens, all fully customizable to tailor your personal experience.
  • Too many story branches got you down 'cause you can't remember which of your saves is which? I gotcha covered. Includes the Original SanchoMod save description feature. Often imitated (including the use of my GUI buttons) the SanchoSave is more intelligent and efficient, saving you keystrokes as it autoloads the save slot descriptions and it also allows you to completely escape the process of saving if you wish (I've personally not seen this feature with other imitations) Feature can be toggled on/off anytime as desired.
  • Adds multiple exhaustive stats screens always accessible via the MiniMenu or Options menu. Resizable, toggle-enabled, various formats, and more.
  • Adds in-game walkthrough (ChoiceGuide) noting all variable changes and highlighting important choices. Can be toggled on/off at anytime, play as YOU want to play. You are not forced to view spoilers if you do not wish.
  • Multiple opacity and text sizing options to customize your experience including dialogue boxes, text and fonts, QuickMenu sizing and format versions, and more. All can be toggled on/off as desired, again allowing you even more control to tailor your experience.
  • Adds a custom fully unlocked scene gallery (SanchoGallery) that runs completely independent.
  • Adds professionally coded custom cheats (SanchoCheats) if applicable (varies from port to port).
  • Adds the ability to view multiple scenes (SanchoSplits) if menu choice has a scene/route split (varies from port to port)
  • Toggled iPatch (do not install another patch, one is already included)
  • Sancho's DoughnutNotifier
  • Too many new features to list. Title-specific detailed feature information can be found in the next spoiler.

VN specific SanchoMod feature details/explanations:
This post will be dynamic over time and is where I will deep-dive into specific areas of the mod that are title-specific to serve as both a FAQ and info for those otherwise curious.

1) Path splitting / recommended save points

Let's work with an example for this explanation. One of the first save point recommendations you'll find with the mod is this screen here (go to Cuz or Church first):

The first line is always the suggestion to save and the description that you might find useful. Don't worry, I've made Cuz's name dynamic to whatever you named her. The next lines try to give you the most pertinent information of what is gained/lost if a specific split is chosen.
Now, back to the suggested "save description" feature (again, found in the fist line of the above screen). If the player chooses to save at this screen or the next (only those two screens every time this recommendation scenario occurs in the mod) the save description will be automatically filled with the suggested name. It's is completely optional and can be edited of course. If the player progresses 2 screens past the suggested screen then the suggested description goes away and the default save description is again blank (unless you choose a previous save where it auto-populates that save's description to minimize your keystrokes). In this example these are the two screens where the "suggested description" will auto-populate:

This is the above example of the auto-populated save description (again, fully optional and editable):

I hope this clarifies this particular feature and you find it useful.

2) Sancho's Doughnut Notifier:

This is simple but effective imho. This feature is directly linked to the ChoiceGuide toggled feature. In other words the Doughnut Notifier turns on/off in tandem with the ChoiceGuide that way you can choose whether you want to implement it or not (you're never forced to use any part of the mod, it's all about choice).
Example of a doughnut on the screen with the ChoiceGuide toggled off:

Example of a doughnut on the screen with the ChoiceGuide toggled on:

3) ChoiceGuide (balance of the OEM and SanchoMod guides):

This became a challenge for me to adapt to being more "user friendly" than I normally code for strictly personal or internal mod releases. I worked with both WT toggles to make them cooperate in a logical fashion. You can choose one of three ways to view the WT's with the mod: 1) No guide at all, 2) OEM guide only, 3) SanchoGuide w/ OEM incorporated. Let's review how these look each then I'll explain how the toggles work with each other.
1) No guide at all

2) OEM guide only

3) SanchoGuide w/ OEM incorporated

  • If the OEM guide is disabled then enabled (regardless of whether the SanchoGuide is enabled/disabled), the mod will initiate #2 (OEM guide only). If the SanchoGuide was previously enabled it will automatically be disabled.
  • If the OEM guide is enabled then disabled the mod will initiate #1 (No guide at all).
  • If the OEM guide is enabled then the SanchoGuide is enabled, the SanchoGuide takes priority and the mod will initiate #3 (SanchoGuide w/ OEM integrated).
  • If the SanchoGuide is enabled then disabled the mod will initiate #1 (No guide at all).
  • Lastly if there's no guide enabled at all (#1) and the SanchoGuide is enabled, obviously the mod initiates #3 as expected.

4) SanchoGallery:

I just know I'm going to get way too many "where the hell is the SanchoGallery?" questions so let's nip that right out of the gate. It's simple really, just click the yellow text in the below screen which is only available while in the Main Menu:

5) Pending

Current Update FAQ - 05/01/2023

The main newest feature sets within the mod (for those already accustomed to SanchoMod) are the following:
  1. SanchoDiaBox toggle (found in the Options screen). Seamlessly changes from OEM dialogue box to SanchoMod custom. New bonus feature - adjust dialogue font size and dialogue box opacity while in game via [Alt+(ArrowKeys)].
  2. QuickMenu alignment (found in the Options screen). New bonus feature - The alignment changes dynamically depending on whether the OEM or Sancho dialogue box is on screen.
  3. SaveDescription toggle (found in the Options screen)
  4. SanchoAlerts (isolated custom notifications that are completely separated from RenPy's default notifications, toggled on/off along with the normal ChoiceGuide). New bonus feature - now receive alerts of potential scene/path splits as save marker points.
  5. SanchoGallery (improved efficiency and handling of isolated gallery, isolated MC renaming, improved start and ending screen transitions and more). New bonus feature - The "SanchoMod Menu" opacity slider (that normally controls the opacity of the MiniStat screen in-game) now controls the dialogue box opacity while in a scene replay. When back in-game it switches back to it's default of adjusting the MiniStat screen opacity.
  6. SanchoCheats (found via the Options screen). Professionally and properly coded cheats that are rock-solid, including a reset button for stat changes that works intuitively and correctly every time. You asked for it, you got it...cheater.
  7. SanchoHotKeys (in-game only). New Feature! Alt+ArrowKeys for dialogue text size/opacity, Lower-case "g" for ChoiceGuide, Lower-case "m" for MiniStat, Lower-case "q" for QuickMenu, Lower-case "s" for medium SanchoStat, Lower-case "o" for SanchoOptions, Lower-case "c" for SanchoCheats. These work exactly as if you had clicked them in the MiniMenu or SanchoOptions, they just give you another way to do something faster or more conveniently. (Yes, I took the "s" key. Use shift+"s" or alt+"s" for screenshots)
  8. QM HoverMode (found in the Options screen). Additional QuickMenu customization that can also be toggled with the appropriate HotKey "q".
  9. HotKey "S" Toggle (found in SanchoCheats) (it looked out of place in SanchoOptions where it really needs to be), works in real-time while in-game with no restart required. Toggle allows the HotKey to set to either the default "S" or the alternative "T". While in the "T" variant the user can take RenPy screenshots with the individual "S" key as well as the other multi-key assignments. This feature toggle is saved on a per-save file basis (it will always default to "S" when starting a new game so will have to be set to "T" each new game if that's the preference of the Player. When loading a save where it was previously set to "T" then it will be loaded as such)
  10. SanchoMod Volume Control (found in Preferences). Controls most of the sounds introduced by the mod separately from the VN's mixer.
I'll address each and other VN specific features in detail in this post as needed. I'll update this post periodically with those details and deep-dive into explanations if necessary.

Until then please enjoy and please consider leaving a review, a vote, or both. I'll never ask you for your "donation", I only ask for your appreciation if you enjoy my work. Best regards to you and yours.


Known Issues (issues known but not yet resolved):
  • Currently N/A
Resolved Issues (issues fixed and currently pending next mod update pushed to upload):
  • Currently N/A
Added Features (features coded in and currently pending next mod update being push to upload):
  • Currently N/A

SanchoMod ChoiceGuide Legend:
SM ChoiceGuide ExampleSM ChoiceGuide Legend
[variable] (strikethrough text)Variable [variable] will become False or otherwise unavailable after the choice is made.
[variable] (+5)Will add 5 to [variable]'s existing value after the choice is made.
[variable] (-5)Will subtract 5 to [variable]'s existing value after the choice is made.
[variable] (5-)To be read as "[variable] 5 or less".
[variable] (5+)To be read as "[variable] 5 or more".
Acronyms (most common):
Psbl, Req, Rcmnd, Add'l, Repl

Possible, Requires, Recommended, Additional, Replaces
"Note"Choice additional or expanded information.
"Player's Choice"Choice set has no changes other than dialogue. Choose whichever choice you wish.
"Submenu"Choice has additional subset of choices that are otherwise unseen if not selected.

Mod Mixing:
Don't mix mods (they are not compatible, there's no way around that as they modify some quantity of the same OEM scripts)

  • Never mix mods unless they explicitly say they are compatible.
  • Always assume that they are not compatible until stated or proven otherwise.
Think of it like this, GMC and Ford both make pickups. Just because they are both pickups doesn't mean you can take the engine from one and a transmission from the other and slap them together without some serious alternate modification and a big-ass sledge hammer. Make sense?


PC: Extract contents to the "game" folder found inside the title's main folder, overwrite as prompted. Do only these steps, nothing else is required.
Directory (folder) structure when installed correctly:


(ThisTitleName) folder/
├── game/
│ ├── SanchoMod/
│ └── (support files)
├── lib/
├── renpy/
└── (ThisTitleName).exe

(Using SanchoModded saves in an unmodded game)
As with any mod, once you create a save file with them installed and later play the game without the mod installed your saves are borked. I've got your back. If you uninstall SanchoMod and later play the same or updated version of the VN un-modded I can make sure that your SanchoMod save files are unbroken. Simply download the following, extract the file, and place it inside the title's "game" folder. It's an extremely small file that only insures that the Python calls and variables introduced by SanchoMod won't interfere when playing those modded saves with an unmodded game (pretty cool, right?)

Ch3 - v1.01 Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch3 - v1.00 Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch3 - v0.02 Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch3 - v0.01 Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v1.01i Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v1.00i Extras Updated to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v0.06.1 Update to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v0.06 Update to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v0.05 Update to latest VN and mod Core, new features added
Ch2 - v0.04i Update to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v0.03i Update to latest VN and mod Core
Ch2 - v0.02i Update and Core revisions
Ch2 - v0.01.5 Updated core to v6
Ch2 - v0.01.5 Update
Ch2 - Initial release
Ch1 - Updated, fixed some bugs, added features
v1.0.0 - Update, mod GUI tweaks
v0.0.8 - Initial release

Chapter 1
Current revision: 03/06/2022 11:51 CST
Download: -

SanchoMod GUI/Features

Dynamic ChoiceGuide (works with or w/out OEM guide)

Sancho's DonutNotifier

Other Features

Chapter 2
Current revision: 07/23/2023 10:22 CST
Download: -

Chapter 3
Current revision: 01/17/2024 08:47 CST
: -

SanchoMod GUI/Features

Dynamic ChoiceGuide (works with or w/out OEM guide)

Sancho's DonutNotifier

Mobile Friendly via JoiPlay (non-tech supported) (Pending)

(Screenshot below explains the SanchoMod interface/features)
I can't load a savegame with your mod installed in ch1 of the game. Mod seems to work fine from the start, but once I exit the game and try to load a save file, CTD.
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