Sound in Games


Apr 1, 2024
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I dont know if i am crazy but i almost never play anything with sound enabled, the first thing i ever do is mute all sound and i am not sure if it is a hold over from when i was younger and was trying to not get caught or not especially since in my day to day i love music.
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I use to mute games, specially voiced ones
Yeah muting is the way to go for me too. I usually like to play them with background music or a long video
Same for me, I tend to mute my games or put the sound very low.
I mute all voices in games, if the option is available but I typically leave the BGM track playing so long as it doesn't have voices in it.... is why I haven't been able to properly enjoy Cockham Superheros. (they decided to have voice acting over text for some reason)
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Yeah, I never have audio either. I don't see the point.
I dont know if i am crazy but i almost never play anything with sound enabled, the first thing i ever do is mute all sound and i am not sure if it is a hold over from when i was younger and was trying to not get caught or not especially since in my day to day i love music.
Personally, i dont mute, just pull the volume down so its not distracting/annoying, but i can still hear/understand when i need to.
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I like music and sound in games, in adult visual novels though rarely do you get anything better than stock sounds and royalty free music. Does anyone else just read them like a book and listen to their own music? My imagination is good, but some of the adult novels are so far out i'm just along for the ride.
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I usually have sound off or at least have quiet. It can be distracting at times.
i never have the sound on and definitely wouldn't if the game had voices
Depends on how well integrated it is, if its really enhancing the atmosphere, then I'll keep it on, but sad to say most of the time its a waste of diskspace
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I almost play every avn without sound except some where there is really good music.
Added some tracks to my spotify playlist.
I don't know if it is still a thing but in the past my friends and I always said you find the best music in porn videos
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Kinda depends on the game. If they are using music and sounds like Summer is gone it enhances the gaming experience. Yet one
area I usually end up hating is when a developer add audio voices. Some are done good but nowadays they use A.I and it's terrible.
I also tend to mute the sound, which is a huge shame. A Lot of the games have bangin' music. I was a fool on my first Out of Touch play through. Say what you will about the game but the soundtrack is freakin' slick.
I don't mute but I usually pull the volume very low, with a few exceptions
For me, it depends on the game and the choice of music and Soundeffects.

There are games that have a really good soundtrack and then there are some with 3 "songs" that play in an endless loop at completely inappropriate moments.

It's similar with the sound effects, if they fit in well with the story and the atmosphere, then I play with sound, otherwise everything is muted.
Cant stand it, it NEVER fits, other then some background music what im fine with, but most of the times it just gets annoying.
Agreed, whenever its voice over i tend to just mute the voices, but i do enjoy alot of the background music while playing. But i do have to often times put the music down low simply cause they are deafening otherwise.
some games have nice background music, but that's rare... unfortunately
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