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Multi Sara - Oh Daddy Part 2 Multi Mod [v0.4 Halloween [KoGa3]


Jan 5, 2024
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Overview / main features:
This Mod adds walkthrough
gallery unlocker
renaming options to the game.

Most Mod functions can be turned on/off while playing the game
Updated: 2024-11-29
Game: Sara - Oh Daddy Part 2
Creator: Nightaku - -
Modder: KoGa3 - /
Mod Version: v0.4
Game Version: v0.4
Language: English

- Walkthrough
- Gallery unlock function
- Cheating options for the game variables/choices (not needed so far)
- MC renaming function
- Additional game setting (change/adjust dialog text font, size, outlines, text background, game quick menu)
- Named saves
- A shortcut key for my Mod menu ("Shift" + "k")
Installation guide:
1. of course the original game must be installed first
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. move the extracted files/folders into your .../game/ folder

See also the installation info in the ZIP file.

- This Mod is only tested for the english game version. Other languages will most likely not work!
Nov. 30, 2024
Updated my Mod/port for the new game version v0.4

Download Mod v0.4 (~2MB)

Android port from the game compressed
with integrated Mod v0.4 (~280MB)


Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: "(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.sara"
(you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)

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Reactions: 14 users
@Coffee I edited for you, thank you for providing the links
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Reactions: 1 users
i download it from Fuck95...
but still thanks!!!
Bro, where is the story going with this one?!?!
I like the renders, but why is there a punk emo girl?
Does this work with any version of the game, or does it need to be a specific one?
Thanks you for this mod, love this game
V.3 just dropped yesterday. Will this work for it?
The game is good.. but I don't know.. something is missing ? can't put my finger on what doh..
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