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Restricted Games prefix

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Nov 26, 2022
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Where did it go? Also, am I dumb or is it hard for someone else to get to the filter search. I have to go to a game thread, then click a prefix to get to it. Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone!
Where did it go? Also, am I dumb or is it hard for someone else to get to the filter search. I have to go to a game thread, then click a prefix to get to it. Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone!
removed it permanently for now.
for reason that will be known once i switch hosts again.
I suspected as much. Shame, as it was a useful tag, but I understand the rationale. Whatever it takes, right? "Non carborundum" and all that.
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Yea, I just stopped trying to look for updates. The “r” tag is the only thing I look for to be honest. Nothing else interests me and therefore no reason to come back here. I refuse to waste time and search for every title I am looking for updates on. I do understand why you removed it though so no worries.
I dont undesrtand why the tag was removed but the restricted section still exists. It doesnt make any sense when the big (only) draw to this site over others is the availability of that content.
It's not hard to understand someone snitched on the site to the hosting company and caused problems. The site was then
dropped and caused a bunch of headaches hence the temporary changes and new host. Murphy's laws strikes again folks.
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lmfaooo I havent checked if this is true but this is a huge shot to the foot, like there is more freedom on this site then f9tards
Like I agree with banning that bnwo cuck game but whats the problem with cunny games? these dumbasses keep harassing ass online for lusting over picels while stephan hawkings was getting real cunny in epstein island
Man what a bunch of hypocrites
lmfaooo I havent checked if this is true but this is a huge shot to the foot, like there is more freedom on this site then f9tards
Like I agree with banning that bnwo cuck game but whats the problem with cunny games? these dumbasses keep harassing ass online for lusting over picels while stephan hawkings was getting real cunny in epstein island
Man what a bunch of hypocrites

Hawking was name-dropped by Epstein to make himself seem important. The guy could barely move a muscle, do you really think he was having sex parties with teenagers? :ROFLMAO:
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Sad to see it go, but it lives on in our hearts.
This User is on vacation. Response time may be delayed. Vacation to Feb 13, 2025.
Can anyone confirm if it is possible to access if you are a Activer member+ ?
Can anyone confirm if it is possible to access if you are a Activer member+ ?
Well, there IS a thread with people desperately post, so it may or may not be true given the day. I HATE interacting with people, but will give it a try.
Well, there IS a thread with people desperately post, so it may or may not be true given the day. I HATE interacting with people, but will give it a try.
it's already april 2nd here💀💀 Hey mods, that's a meaningful information btw
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Well, there IS a thread with people desperately post, so it may or may not be true given the day. I HATE interacting with people, but will give it a try.
I'm with you on that one. I'm not thrilled with being forced to interact with strangers at the best of times, and far less so on a public forum. I kinda hoped the occasional donation, regular site visits and an encouraging word once in a while would be sufficient to justify my existence, I sincerely hope enforced interactions don't become a requirement just for accessing content on here.

I'm also a bit concerned with the frequent deletion of entire threads from here. I know discussions tend to get off the rails but that's what moderation is for, and threads should be locked if they get out of hand, not deleted outright, otherwise lots of valid suggestions, opinions and queries get lost in the process. At least two major threads covering significant recent LC events are now gone without trace. All a bit worrying.
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I'm with you on that one. I'm not thrilled with being forced to interact with strangers at the best of times, and far less so on a public forum. I kinda hoped the occasional donation, regular site visits and an encouraging word once in a while would be sufficient to justify my existence, I sincerely hope enforced interactions don't become a requirement just for accessing content on here.

I'm also a bit concerned with the frequent deletion of entire threads from here. I know discussions tend to get off the rails but that's what moderation is for, and threads should be locked if they get out of hand, not deleted outright, otherwise lots of valid suggestions, opinions and queries get lost in the process. At least two major threads covering significant recent LC events are now gone without trace. All a bit worrying.
Well, one bit of good news is that the time requirement seems to have been reduced to 12 hours now.

I do agree with the dangers of thread or even multi-post deletion. I'm sure I have a few more posts but they were in the Sinner area so I don't see them now. Heck, I probably lost a few when threads got cut as well. -sigh-
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