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Replay Gallery


Apr 3, 2023
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Maybe it's just me but some of the games I really enjoy have no replay option for scenes. I've never developed a game how hard is it to add it? I think all games need the option what are anyone else's thoughts?
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I agree with you, but not every kind of gallery is good, some galleries are just pictures instead of actual replay of the scene.
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It depends on the game itself how easy it is to implement a replay gallery.
Some developers make a new label for every action inside the game.
This makes it easy to just list all existing labels and replay them by clicking on them.

Another problem are achievments or other game logic related statements inside of a scene.
You need to manipulate available choices and much more.

Therefore the gallery is always highly dependent on the game itself.
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In games that have no gallery, i usually make saves just before scenes (If, there are enough save slots to do so).
I feel that replay should be added with every game, the problem is once you implement the replay gallery then you are going to have 'cracks' that people make that unlock the gallery for people that dont actually play the game; and i feel that developers would like people to actually play the game they spent time making rather than just unlocking the gallery to watch scenes.
I feel the same Im fine with waiting an update or two to add especially if its a game with lots of choices and routes.
Replay or at least a gallery i find to be most appreciated in games. I am one of those nerds who likes to 100% their games and i'm always worried i've missed a scene without it.
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It doesn't bother me if there's no gallery if it's real easy to get back to each scene in normal gameplay. I tend to save before i make a dialogue choice in most vn style games, so it's easy to see any scenes very easily. For games where there's a heavy free roam element that you have to do things to unlock scenes, a gallery is a must have to not have to waste time to see a scene again.
Galleries would be good in AVNs with sandbox or lots of branching paths. It would be a pain to go through a lot of scenes, just to find one.
During creation of a game a gallery imo is important if you want to know how much content there is currently and/or how much new content was added.

Also for games where there are a lot of branching paths and you might miss scenes you can always check with a gallery.
I'll still try to unlock them myself and not with a mod but when you get a new pc or you progress some way or another gets reset you might not want to skip-rush to every scene especially when there are a lot of choices.
I've never used them in games I've played that have them. Part of the fun of a well-done VN is the tension building, and if I just wanted a visual to fap to I'd just watch regular porn.
Galleries would be good in AVNs with sandbox or lots of branching paths. It would be a pain to go through a lot of scenes, just to find one.
Yeah, without even talking about the possibility to watch scenes again, having a gallery is really helpful to know if you missed some scenes and also around where those scenes might be since you will know the scene before and after
I love Replays galleries mainly to see if I have missed any scenes. It can be very easy to miss scenes is some of the more non-linear games, and a replay gallery is a great way to keep track what scenes you still have yet to see.
The best implementation of a gallery I have seen is in Now and Again. It was easy to figure out which chapter and which character you missed.

Now a City of Broken Dreamers is kinda nightmarish to figure where you missed a certain scene without having heavily saved.

Maybe it's just me but some of the games I really enjoy have no replay option for scenes. I've never developed a game how hard is it to add it? I think all games need the option what are anyone else's thoughts?

And yes ironically the games I have enjoyed best required multiple saves for replayment of my fav scenes. Me also sobbing softly when I realized I deleted my numerous rpgsave files during reinstalls.
I like a good replay gallery
A lot of times the ones that I don't, I download the replay mod and then never end up actually using it. Maybe the devs are onto something.
Yeah, a lot of good games are missing a replay gallery. I just usually resort to making separate saves before the scenes I really like.
Never really used the replay gallery. I don't know why I just like playing the game.
I feel like all games should include a replay gallery just seems so useful.
Maybe it's just me but some of the games I really enjoy have no replay option for scenes. I've never developed a game how hard is it to add it? I think all games need the option what are anyone else's thoughts?

to add it to renpy? really easy! renpy has the built in function you basically just add this at the end of the label (where you want the replay to end) "$ renpy.end_replay()" then you just use the label name as the starting point of where it should start...
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