Renpy or Unity ?


Aug 4, 2022
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Renpy or Unity ? The best is ...
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Renpy, I occasionaly play in WIndows, Linux and Android, and find versions for each platform and can move saves among platforms.
Renpy. Some unity games run horribly, but if the dev can make the game run well, Then unity.
renpy seems to have less issues overall and just seems to run better most of the time
I think Renpy is the clear winner for now. Maybe unity has a chance in the future. we'll see🤷‍♂️
for VN's Renpy, not just cuz its simpler but also cuz it works on ALL operating systems outta the box. for sandbox games, its a bit more complicated todo them on Renpy, but I'd still go for Renpy personally because making Unity work on all operating systems is a HELL! (same goes for most other game engines ngl). Also I'd choose Godot over Unity any day, Unity too fat for no reason lol
Renpy, simple and works perfectly for VNs (basically all I use). You see most developers using it for that anyway
Yeah, unity has had its day, but it's quickly being passed up by quite a few other engines.
Renpy, always.
I actually don't know where are unity games stored, if I ever need to 'clean' my pc.
As an Android user... Renpy for sure.
Unity games do have a chance of getting a port, but it's so unlikely, while renpy is almost guaranteed.
For AVN - RenPy, you don't need anything more complicated than that. And it's easier to make mods.
But for real games, I prefer Unity. Of course, if the developer has taken care of optimizing the engine.
I realize that my opinion is unpopular, because most people on this forum are interested not even in VN, but in KN, but I'm interested in games, not comics, which in essence KN are.
Unity when done right is awesome. Otherwise, Renpy for correcting any "whoops" I may make.
RenPy for sure. User friendly, fast, ez to use mods...
Renpy without question. Unity takes a lot of work to make user friendly, especially for porn games, and I just hate it completely as a game developer.
RenPy games have provided me 90% of my enjoyment over Unity games... I have to go with them!
yeah RenPy, Most Unity games I played have very annoying UI and slow text skip
Ren'Py seems to be a better option across platforms
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