Damn,,, 1 hell of a question ,, and 1 hell of a task to sum up in just a comment with a few words.
I'm not a philosophies guy.
I'm a Logic, facts, science and numbers guy. That also means i say how it is.
I hold those above all, So philosophies that fall in with that,, all good with me.
Speaking In general and in terms of people and deeper meaning of life... it is about a way of living for yourself, the ones you care for and survival.
May that be individual survival depending on the situation, or as a whole species.
You will do and you do all you can. For the people around you that matter to you, strangers as well, if it doesn't threaten my way of living or my life.
It's a risk calculation,, I won't endanger/get killed to save a stranger. Not my task. So no,, not stepping in-front of a bus to push someone out of it's way and getting hit/killed myself.
Then who is gonna look out for the ones i care about. Hell i recycle even for the chance it will make a difference for the young generation/ones i care for.
As a species will are going to have to make some decisions now and in the future.
We can't just keep saving the cute endangered animals and leaving the rest to die. That won't end well for us as a species.
Specially if we keep going the way we are now. All things will end up on a judging scale at some point, Food, Fun or fuck it and die you have no use to us.
Vegetarians and their feelings for the animals sounds great,,,, but we are still eating them and we still need to. Being a vegetarian is not healthy for you in the long run.
Seeing the world and the changes it is going through we are at a crossroads and the options/solutions are few if we are speaking survival as a species wise in the future.
Time will tell what will happen there,, and i won't live that long to really see what happens when the shit hits the fan... or at least i hope so
Would really suck if that happened soon,,, and if it does i hope it will be at least on a monday. Would suck even more if it happened just before the weekend.
The deeper meaning of life is simple if you use facts and logic.
Out of all the things that could happen with the infinite possibilities and ongoing processes in the universe it was a 100% change of life happening and evolving somewhere.
So far, all we know is it happened here and is still in the ongoing evolving process. Chances of it happening again and that it happened before,, also 100%.
Billions and billions of years,,, and Billions to some say trillions to go with endless possibilities and we exist in the blink of a eye compared to that and are not even a spec of dust on that scale as a planet.
I could go on ,,, but lets be real,, half of you didn't even finish what i wrote so far
So here ends my 2 cents.