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Sep 14, 2022
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Developer Name
Sinspirational Games
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3.1 (Finished)
Latest Update
Feb 9, 2024
Release Date
Apr 18, 2022
  1. Windows
You're a down-and-out human who has landed your dream job as the manager of a luxury high-rise. Of course, you did sell your soul to get it. Now your job is to find other unhappy humans willing to sell theirs, in exchange for transforming them into the person they've always wanted to be. It requires guile, skill, and a LOT of hot (and often kinky) sex to transform someone, all while managing your resources and investing in improvements to keep things running smoothly.

There's also times when things don't run smoothly. It turns out there's a lot more to being a succubus/incubus than just having sex. Break-ins, kidnappings, magic-gone-wrong... and a hidden agenda that your new boss just happened to fail to mention. Good luck!

2DCG, BDSM, Big Ass, Big Tits, Fantasy, Female Domination, Female Protagonist, Futa/trans, Futa/Trans Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Management, Monster, Monster Girl, Sissification, Text based, Transformation
1. Extract and run.

Initial Steam release!
We’re happy to finally make Paradise Inc. available on Steam! This port includes over 50 Steam achievements and is the long-awaited finale to our Paradise journey. Paradise will remain free on our website.
Added new ‘Font Size’ setting. You can now increase and reduce the text size to make all that reading a little easier on the eyes.
Minor refinements to the ‘light mode’ theme.
Fixed error that made you unable to save Shakes n’ Sundaes during the final conflict in some situations.
Fixed error that caused a game-break if you allow Inferno to be destroyed during the final conflict.
Fixed error that prevented Jolie’s achievement for her ‘hucow/cowgirl’ transformation from being granted in Steam. This won’t fix existing playthroughs, unfortunately – you’ll have to transform her again!
Fixed display error for options in the finale if you do not have enough energy to pay for the cost


Fixed an issue causing red errors during Damien Bull’s early dates.


Paradise Inc. is complete!

After nearly five years of hard work and regular updates, we've done it: Paradise Inc. is officially finished. We've updated the version to 2.0 to reflect its new state. All content is now complete: the main storyline, the epilogs and ramifications of your choices, all game achievements (including the 'complete a playthrough as X' style achievements), romances -- all of it!

Final word count? We even impressed ourselves with this: over one million words of erotic adventure (1,043,894, to be precise!)

So, of course, the next question is usually: what next? You can read a more in-depth discussion of that in our , but the short version is this: we'll take a much-deserved break!

Our Patreon will stay up until the end of the year, at which point we'll pause it so we aren't collecting money for content we aren't producing.
Our Discord will remain active.
No further content will be added to Paradise Inc., but if any major bugs are discovered, we'll patch to fix them.
We will probably be launching Paradise Inc. on Steam at some point, but no date on that just yet.
We're going to rest and recuperate before discussing what type of game/project we want to work on next.
Thank all of you for coming on this ride with us! The players, their feedback, and their encouragement have been the lifeblood that's kept us going for so long. It's been a Hell of an experience, and we've learned a lot.

Stay in touch, and we'll see you soon!


Sammy (Bimbo) Romance Conclusion

Sammy may have expressed to you that she wished she had someone who lived in the moment as much as she does. When she decides to find a partner to hit the mall with, who better than you?

A little extra magic can make you just as… exaggerated as she is, and a little time with nothing in your head might be good for you! You might even meet a cute couple while you’re out, and show them exactly how the new you behaves!

Those romantically entangled with your favorite secretary can enjoy a bonus date at the local amusement park, and get up to a lot of extra fun on the Ferris wheel!
Sammy is a non-exclusive romance.
Petra (Siren) Romance Conclusion

Petra’s brother is still snooping around, but how hard can that be to deal with? Certainly it won’t result in needing to call for assistance from the legendary Flying Dutchman or an intimate encounter beneath the waves… will it?

Take your newest flame up to the pool to relax in the jacuzzis overlooking the city. (They’ve always been there, haven’t they?)
Petra is a non-exclusive romance.

Petra (Dark Elf) Romance Conclusion

If you put off dealing with Petra’s brother long enough, he might actually show up. You can deal with him yourself… or maybe Xavier might know a thing or two about family issues?

Xavier and Petra are quite a Duo! Their relationship might seem fraught on the outside, but we assure you that ‘Slap Slap Kiss’ is in full effect! Catch them dancing the night away and maybe witness the start of a burgeoning relationship!
Or, should you handle it yourself, enjoy the grateful thanks of one of your most loyal, eager employees as she– …Nah, not her style! Have fun being tied to a chair for a little session in the dungeon!
For those pursuing a relationship personally with dear Petra, why not enjoy a night on the town at a bar? It wouldn’t be planned, but surely if something exciting were to happen, you could handle yourself…couldn’t you?
Petra is a non-exclusive romance.




New Romance Paths Have Been Added, Featuring Many Guest Appearances From Your Favorite Employees!

Dana & You
Ring the bells! If you need to convince Dana that you’ll always make time for him, what better way than popping the question? Enjoy an honest-to-Lazren wedding, officiated by Sloth Herself! After the ring is safely on his finger, don’t forget to take your husband out on another, bonus date to enjoy the ‘benefits’ of married life! As you might expect, this is a VERY exclusive romance.

JJ & You
On the other end of the scale, one of your submissives wants a little LESS tender loving care. JJ turned herself into a cowgirl, and it’s time the others realized that’s what she wants to be. Get ready to organize an event featuring all of your friends to give your pet exactly what she wants. That doesn’t mean, of course, that she can’t get some tender love on the side, with a bonus date to an outside club!

JJ & Sammy
But you aren’t the only one who can help JJ clear her head. Your favorite secretary is looking for a wingman to go pick up cute boys, and JJ might just be the perfect ticket. Enjoy their first trip to Inferno to test the waters and see how well they like it! Features a bonus work scene in Shakes ‘n Sundaes to enjoy Sammy ‘trying out the equipment’!


Petra’s transformation path will unlock for those who have both finished her storyline by working in security at night (i.e. you unlocked her intimate menu), and have also captured and transformed Xavier successfully. About a week after those two events have both occurred, the player will be interrupted by Petra during the normal course of play. Once Petra reveals the nature of her desire, Mason will once again be able to provide options to fulfill it.
Players who have built Elysium (whether or not Xavier is a dryad) will be able to gift Petra with a Siren transformation.
Players who have built Inferno (whether or not Xavier is a vampire) will be able to welcome Petra into the ranks of the Drow.
After transformation, Petra will still work the evenings in the Security Office. However, the Drow form can be found in Inferno in the morning, enjoying a quiet moment before the place opens, and the Siren form can be found swimming in Elysium in both the morning and the afternoon.
In addition to the regular scenes, Siren Petra features a unique scene variation for submissive males, while Drow Petra has a special scene for submissive futanari characters. Combined with JJ’s unique female scene, we now have 1 special scene for each of the three PC sexes. Both will also have an additional potential work scene interacting with Xavier/Xun if they share a location.


Hola everyone!
Luciana and I have been working hard on patch 1.4.0, our ‘Gender Patch’. Although this patch was extremely focused on one main aspect — adding the male and female genders to the game — it has been probably the largest update we’ve ever done. Every line of text needed to be reread, evaluated, and adjusted to suit our new system. It’s been a lot of work, but we’re almost there!

Patch 1.4.0 will be released to our Patreon backers on Friday, August 14th. As always this will be an early preview build, so while we hope to squash as many bugs as possible between now and release, there may still be a few areas where the new genders aren’t quite firing correctly. This makes public release for the patch August 28th, when we will release the new content to all players.
So what’s in the patch?
Well, obviously: new genders! You can now choose to begin your game as either completely male, completely female, or the ‘original’ succubus form, and play that way from the beginning. For those with existing games, Lazren will teach you the secrets of changing sex when you meet her again in Chapter 2… presuming you passed your review! Once you reach Chapter 2, you will be able to freely adjust both your physical sex and your coloration to your liking. Take a look in the mirror — you might like what you see.
All existing scenes and conversations have been tweaked (some lightly, and some significantly) to show off all three player genders. Some are essentially the same scene with an eye toward not mentioning anatomy you don’t possess, others diverge into somewhat different acts or attitudes, and JJ features a brand new scene for Dominant Females only. We plan on introducing more unique gender scenes in future updates now that we have the coding in place.
Speaking of Chapter 2: you can now skip directly to Chapter 2, should you so choose to. Taking the ‘shortcut’ has some advantages (like, not having to play through content you’ve already seen before), but it also comes with some limitations. You can choose to build two locations and transform two people: the bare minimum to meet Lazren’s requirements. Playing the game through ‘the right way’ might get you more than that, but this IS a shortcut!
Reading through everything also gave us an excuse to do some pretty significant editing to existing content. We found and corrected over 150 typos, a handful of genuine bugs, and did some basic cleanup in various areas. Hopefully this will result in a smooth, better experience for all of our existing work.
Future Plans
In terms of future plans, Patch 1.5.0 should be a smaller, quicker patch that focuses on Petra’s ultimate fate in Paradise Heights, and will feature her gaining two full transformation options (Siren and Drow). On August 31st we’ll also be putting up our next content poll for patch 1.6.0 after Petra, so be sure to look for that after our public release of this patch.
As always, we can’t emphasize enough how much we appreciate your backing for our little project. We’ve been growing and growing, and we hope you’ll continue to join us in this endeavor for a long time to come.
Happy Hunting!


In 1.3.0, strange goingson point to an intruder in the tower. Why are they there, what are they planning — and how can you stop them before they get what they want?
New Characters!
Xavier King
Xavier’s story begins in Chapter 2 after the player has built the Gym, Shakes ‘n Sundaes, the Computer Café, and the Bank. However, the player will also need to build the Security Office once unlocked to progress the story.
Engage in a Cat and Mouse chase with the journalist to locate and catch him before he assembles enough evidence of your nefarious business operations! Failure to do so might prove fatal for Lazren’s plans…and for your future!
Two Paths of Transformation: Embrace life and attune him to nature, creating your very own Dryad, or embrace death, and begin a Vampiric bloodline. The choice is yours!
Petra Torres
Welcome Petra to your service as head of security, for those times when you need human eyes for tasks the tower can’t handle itself. She’s a strong, nononsense woman with a laidback attitude and a quick sense of humor — and knows not to ask TOO many questions.
Work side by side in the security office and unlock some intimate scenes with the military woman. Just make sure you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew once you catch her interest!
New Locations!
Security Office
The central hub of security within the tower. Enjoy your time with Petra, or go to work observing the cameras and ‘encouraging’ a little more action wherever you can.
A beautiful park with a great oak growing through the middle, no one seems to realize it appeared far too quickly to be natural. Pursue the good graces of your friendly neighborhood Dryad, or spend a little time bringing customers a little ‘closer’ to nature.
The nightclub to end all nightclubs, Inferno has it all. A dance floor, private booths, and a few more ‘interesting’ furnishings in the back rooms, for those who like leather, latex, and the crack of a riding crop. Assist your Vampire in hunting, or sling a few drinks from the bar that are sure to get the place hopping.
Bug/Feature Fix!
Character Customization
We fixed the issue with the character customization mirror requiring extra Javascript and some convoluted settings to work offline. The new system is clean, simple, and doesn’t require any special steps to run.


Story Updates
Lazren’s Return!
The story will now advance into chapter 2, with Lazren returning when the countdown timer reaches 0. Players with existing saves who have been stuck one ‘1 day to Lazren’s Return’ should now see the countdown finish after they sleep.
5 possible ‘bad ends’ for those who do not have the required number of souls (Hint: You can have one converted human and still fail. Which of those do you think might have the ambition to take over if asked?)
A scene with Lazren that may be submissive or dominant, but dominant PCs will want to ensure they have more than the requisite 3 souls.
A new task and a new deadline to meet, though as before the countdown timer will not actually tick to 0 for several more updates as we fill out the content in chapter 2.
Mechanic Updates:
Balance Adjustments
Starting Energy (Added 31 March 2020) Starting energy for new games has been increased from 1000 to 1200. This will allow the first building upgrade to be purchased on day 1, as well as the first two small venues, making it significantly easier to exceed Lazren’s expectations.
Building Adjustments
Buildings are now divided by the floor they can be built on instead of being listed by size. All previous shops are now First Floor venues. This update will allow for building the Second Floor, which will in turn allow building the Bank. The Casino is the first Special Venue, and is housed on its own floor of the tower.
Character Coloration Customization!
During the scene with Lazren, players will be taught their first succubus power, which will allow them to alter the base character’s hair, eye, lipstick, and skin color. Gender remains locked, but is planned for a future update.
New Stuff:
Expanded NPC Mason
Mason told you he would talk about himself after you had passed your performance review, so I guess he’s on the hook for it now! Learn a little more about your reclusive researcher and maybe find out why he’s been so cagey. That seems like a problem that might be worth fixing, in the future…
New NPC Mammon
Mammon comes to act as a manager for some of your new buildings, thanks to her insight with certain members of Lazren’s family. She can be reached through the bank or casino. She does not currently have any steamy scenes associated with her, but will assist with operations in both buildings, as well as filling in some needed information
New Building Bank
The bank is a new building that allows the PC to make regular investments in new demonic startups. In addition to an energy reward, successfully completing an investment may get the player a grateful visit from the business owner, or perhaps some of the product…
New Building Casino
A requirement for Chapter 2, the Casino is an expensive monument to the sin of greed. Though there are currently no scenes available for the casino, players may adjust the odds of the gaming table to their liking. Play it safe with smaller wins and losses, or go all out for the maximum energy gain. As Mason would say, the choice is yours!


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