When you can name you MC do you use your name or use the default name.
And for the other named characters do you uses crushes, people you know, name you like or keep the default
depends on the character for male characters I usually have dark or jack is those are unavailable I consider mythology names like hades cerberus zeus etc
Female same trend but usually I pick the names of females I admire if light is unavailable usually I go with amaterasu tsukuyomi but recently I have gotten attached to tanya and I think il stick with it.
I always change them if the option is there. To keep track of who is who i always start with youngest then name in order by age.
Usually go with Ashley , Jessica or Rachel for wife/mother/aunt
If it's changeable then I use my nickname IRL and usually I keep the female Li names default, other times I will randomly choose the names for example Sarah is one I'm fond of using then might use other names of either people I like or celebs I like.
When I played one of my first adult games, I gave the MC my IRL name and gave the main LI the name of a girl I used to love dearly when I was in uni.
So yes, I learned the hard way that this is soooo damn awkward.
Ever since I have been using a same fake name for the MC and the default ones fot the rest.
MC = Jim
Main girl = Julia (especial if she has big tits, I named the daughter from DMD Julia and I cant get that image/name combo out of my head for some reason.