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Movies that are ok to be remade or have a sequel LONG after og came out.

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May 21, 2022
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Cannonball Run is top of the list for me. And NO MATTER WHAT I NEED Jackie Chan back reprising his role from the originals.
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I mean its probably impossible to make a good new version, but maybe Logan's Run.
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Watching Peeping Tom (1960) today and surprised nobody tried to remake it yet
Remakes are great , but remake something that wasn't very good to begin with. Best examples John Carpenter's The Thing, and the 80s The Blob remake.
The thing from another world is a good movie, but they are nothing unlike in tone or style. I do think The Thing is a masterpiece, but i'm biased because i think John Carpenter is a overlooked filmmaker. Escape from New York, Big Trouble in Little China. They Live. The man is a genius.
Cannonball Run is top of the list for me. And NO MATTER WHAT I NEED Jackie Chan back reprising his role from the originals.
I wasn't even aware Jackie was in it but i do remember Burt Reynolds. I'll have to watch it now. I do want Rush Hour 4, and a third Shanghai movie.
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Remakes are great , but remake something that wasn't very good to begin with. Best examples John Carpenter's The Thing, and the 80s The Blob remake.
You want to remake, a remake, ie The Blob?
I wanted a sequel to Stargate, and a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China. But Kurt is getting a bit up there in age.
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I wanted a sequel to Stargate, and a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China. But Kurt is getting a bit up there in age.
I figure the Stargate series was a good enough sequel, IMO.
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I was okay with the JJ Star Trek sequels/remakes being in their own universe until CBS in their infinite stupidity had to go and make them canon. Been waiting almost ten years for a sequel to Star Trek Beyond, i think Paramount is broke and will be sold.
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I was okay with the JJ Star Trek sequels/remakes being in their own universe until CBS in their infinite stupidity had to go and make them canon. Been waiting almost ten years for a sequel to Star Trek Beyond, i think Paramount is broke and will be sold.
They aren't cannon, per say, the event that LED to it is cannon, and it may have been eluded to in Discovery, in relation to a different timeline, but it is not cannon.
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Some of the good old ones are iconic also because of the stars staring in them. So it would be hard to just do a "remake" without it's main component.
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Some of the good old ones are iconic also because of the stars staring in them. So it would be hard to just do a "remake" without it's main component.
True, at least with Cannonball run is is designed to allow new casting, IMO
I would like to see a remake of Flash Gordon, I love that movie and cartoon as a kid.
I would like to see a remake of Flash Gordon, I love that movie and cartoon as a kid.
There was supposed to be a Sam Jones sequel which was cancelled. I love the 1980 movie. Then again how do you score the second one without Freddie Mercury, its impossible.
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Problem with a Flash Gordan remake in my eyes so much of its aethetic is tied to the era (both the 30's and the 80's) to the point where I feel like any attempt in our modern era of film making would either come out gritty like a Blade Runner, or shiny and chrome like modern era Star Trek.
It also came from the comic books of the yellow peril, Ming is like a Fu Manchu type. Short of changing Mongo etc to be not asian in origin, or outwardly racist i don't see it as adaptable.

I don't think its something Disney will make. Unless it is completely changed from its origins, like Dale Arden saves Flash or something like that.
I'm just waiting for this woke movies/shows era to end. Most remakes have been worse than the original.
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