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Sep 14, 2022
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Latest Update
Jan 6, 2025
Release Date
Oct 6, 2022
  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. MacOS

Hi everyone, I’m Sonpih, and I’m creating an adult game called Lust for Adventure, this is a 2D RPG game based on the world of Warcraft where you are an adventurer in search of fame, fortune and obviously sex! The inspiration for this game came from other adult games like “Corruption of Champions” or “Trials in Tainted Space”, games where you have a sense of freedom in a world of monsters and sex. In this game you can create a character with some customization options, complete quests for NPCs, fight (or fuck) different enemies in turn-based combat, and experience multiple events.​

3DCG, Female protagonist, Male protagonist, Character creation, Monster, Fantasy, Adventure, Combat, Gay, Lesbian, Furry, Bestiality, Monster girl, Parody, Rape, RPG, Text based, Turn based combat, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Group sex, Urination
1. Extract and run.
Save System
I'm finally able to save the game in actual files instead of the windows registry (thanks chatGPT)! But I want to do this carefully and in two versions, so...
In this version you have the option to save your character into a file, but you have to bear in mind that when you click on the button ''Save to File'' you'll save the character you are playing with in the selected slot.
So if you want to keep your characters for the next version and forward (10.2) you need to load the character first and then save it to a file in a slot (you'll probably want to save it in the same slot)
For Mac and Linux users I have no idea if this will work properly (I hope so).

  • New subzone in Howling Fjord, here you'll find Elias, a medic who will give you a new quest with a weapon as the reward.

  • Both male and female vrykul encounters have been added to Howling Fjord in the Lower Keep.

  • The button to increase gold in the cheats screen has been fixed and now you should be able to click it properly.
  • Dravag's statue gift now shows up in your inventory as it should.
  • The scenes with Malchezzar in Karazhan now work properly.
  • Strip Club decorations in your brothel now will properly disappear if you transition from night to day while in the club.
Sex Scenes

  • Male vrykul gangban.g locking you up in a pillory (1M/1F)
  • You suckin.g a male vrykul (1M/1F)
  • You fuckin.g a male vrykul's ass (1M)
  • Female Vrykul riding you (1M)
  • Female Vrykul fingerin.g you (1F)
  • You fingerin.g female vrykul (1M/1F)
  • You fuckin.g female vrykul (1M)
  • Elias suckin.g your cock
  • Elias eating your pussy
  • Elias riding the general of Valgarde (Geralt from your hearthstone cards) while he is tied up to the bed.

Howling Fjord A new zone, the Howling Fjord has been added to Northrend, you can reach it from Dragonblight


  • Karazhan and Dragonblight card collections have been added to the game, both in normal and gold versions.
  • To get Karazhan packs you can defeat Valthor, a dreadlord in the Nether of Karazhan and he will give you one pack for each victory.
  • To get Dragonblight packs you can defeat Rivaron, a dracthyr at the top of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight and he will give you one pack for each victory.
  • You can buy the new packs too from Orion at Stormwind's park at night.
  • The new legendary cards are Tichondrius and Chromie. Tichondrius revives when he gets killed once, and Chromie gives you an extra turn after you play her.
Card Room
  • At the upper floor of Goldshire's tavern you'll find a new room where you can place the golden version of specific cards to watch a sex scene with the character of the card.
  • For now the cards are: Nightmare Satyr, Excited Surfer, Malfurion, and Thekal.
  • Lupin now has a new sex scene available with the male character once Lupin reaches 100 with his ass stat.
  • There is a new scene with Lee in Stormwind's gym, you can find it on Wednesday at the pool if you unlocked the golden fuck scene with Lee.
Misc. & Fixes
  • Lee's dialog sprites are now animated.
  • The legendary cards from opponents now have their legendary effects too.
  • The dialog sprites for your classmates in Redridge Academy are now animated.
  • When you fight against Jay after wrestling class it will now show his name correctly instead of Jay_Love.
  • The scene with Zack, Jay, and Duncan in the bathroom now can only trigger on History and Alchemy days.
  • The scene with Solan jerking Jay at night can no longer glitch if you click your mouse too fast.
  • The scene with Buck and the three boys in the shower will only trigger now during wrestling nights.
  • The color of your underwear will now be the original during the strip minigame in the brothel.
  • If you are playing the female character now you'll properly see female icons when buying lingerie at the lingerie club.
  • Fixed an issue that caused your cock cage to show up during the Ray wrestling scenes.
  • There is an issue with the option for the new sex scene with Lupin, you'll be able to see it if you are playing the female character, don't click on the option or the game will freeze.
Sex Scene
  • You suckin.g the dreadlord. (1M/1F)
  • You getting fucked by the dracthyr. (1M/1F)
  • Nightmare Satyr fucking you. (1M/1F)
  • You riding Thekal while he is sitting on a throne. (1M/1F)
  • You suckin.g the Excited Surfer (Zandalari) in the middle of the sea. (1M/1F)
  • You fucking Malfurion using vines to hold his arms and legs. (1M)
  • You suckin.g Lee at the gym pool. (1M)
  • You fucking Lupin at the brothel. (1M)
  • The sewers that lead to the potion vendor in the Sketchy Alley have been updated, now when you enter them you'll reach the sewers and from there you'll be able to go to the potion shop and the new sub-zone.
Lingerie Club
  • A new club for lingerie lovers has been added to the Sewers of Stormwind, there you'll find a bunch of guys that are looking for a good time, but you won't be able to enter the club unless you are wearing lingerie.
  • Valentino is the cute elf you'll find at the entrance of the club, he will sell you the lingerie, then you'll be able to transmog it right there too, and you can have some juicy action with him if you want.
Character Armor
  • A new option has been added to the transmog vendor in Stormwind (Valentino has it too) that allows you to basically be naked, you can hide your upper armor, lower armor, and underwear separately.
  • Another new option has been added to the transmog vendor in Stormwind that allows you to modify the color of your armor and underwear, it's a very simple effect that changes the hue of the actual texture, so it's not a perfect at all, but it can allow you to choose other colors for the lingerie like pink or black for example.
  • The lingerie underwear are now 3D for the male characters, so you can see your cock through the transparent fabric, I changed Adan's underwear from the brothel too, and Slurpy, the slime underwear from Duskwood.
Misc. & Fixes
  • The icon for talking with Hearthstone NPCs has been updated.
  • The timer for the egg mini-game in Dragonblight has been increased to make it easier.
  • You can now show and hide your clothes during the Lee sex scenes.
  • You can now buy stacks of 20 Condoms, Mints or Lubricant bottles in the Sex Shop.
  • Your character should now appear again during the wrestling matches at Redridge Academy
  • The 5 new underwear introduced in 9.4 can be sold now to vendors as it should be.
  • The Underwear Fiend in the Brothel will now show up too if you only have Dragav at affection level 3, this happens with every other follower, I just forgot to add Dravag to the list.
Sex Scenes
  • You fuck Valentino (1M)
  • A horse guy fucks you (1M/1F)
  • You sucking a draenei's bulge (1M/1F)
  • You spanking a dwarf (1M/1F)
  • A black guy eats your ass while you suck his cock (1M/1F)
  • A night elf rides your cock (1M)
  • Valentino uses a dildo and cums inside his thong
  • A new follower for the brothel has been added, Dravag the Dracthyr, you can hire him at the top of Wyrmrest Temple, he has two forms, one humanoid and another drakonid, you can choose the form by talking to him in his room.
  • All follower talking sprites in the brothel have been animated.
  • Demon Dildo - New dildo that you can get from defeating 10 Fel Guards in Kharazan.
  • Harvester Underpants - New underwear dropped by the Harvest Bots in Westfall.
  • Imp Bush - New underwear dropped by the Imps in Kharazan.
  • Banana Thong - New underwear dropped by the Gorillas in Stranglethorn.
  • Dragon Skin - New underwear dropped by the Drakonids in Burning Steppes.
  • Mana Wyrm Membrane - New underwear dropped by the Mana Wyrms in Dragonblight.
  • Dravag's underwear - New underwear appearance that you can buy from the Underwear Fiend at the brothel once you reach maximum affection with Dravag.
Strip Mini-game
The Demon Dildo, Tropical Boxers, Tropical Jockstrap, Blackrock Shorts, Blackrock Jockstrap, and the new 5 underwear have been added to the Strip mini-game in the brothel with the next effects:
  • Tropical Boxers - You earn Lustone x1.5, but only a third of gold.
  • Tropical Jockstrap - If you play with the Troll Dildo while wearing these, you'll get Troll Cum at the end of the show.
  • Blackrock Shorts - Your addiction will decrease at the end of the show instead of earning gold and lustone.
  • Blackrock Jockstrap - If you play with the Orc Dildo while wearing these, you'll get Orc Cum at the end of the show.
  • Harvester Underpants - If you play with the Tauren Dildo while wearing these, you'll get Tauren Cum at the end of the show.
  • Imp Bush - If you play with the Demon Dildo while wearing these, you'll get Demon Cum at the end of the show.
  • Banana Thong - You have a chance of getting a random fruit.
  • Dragon Skin - You have a chance of getting a Dry Corpus Fruit.
  • Mana Wyrm Membrane - You have a chance of getting condoms at the end of the show.
  • Dravag's Underwear - Earn a score of 50 with Dravag and you will be able to have a scene with him.
  • The blush texture on your face has been placed under the beard texture so it no longer makes the beard red.
  • Your model now shows up again in the wrestling mini-game of Redridge Academy.
  • When you create a new character it no longer appears with a cock cage.
  • The new short beard for the human male no longer stacks over the other ones in the character creation screen.
  • If you are wearing a cock cage and you play the strip mini-game it will show your chosen underwear again.
Sex Scenes
  • You fingering Dravag's pussy (1M/1F)
  • You suckin.g Dravag's cock (1M/1F)
  • You riding Dravag's cock (1M/1F)
  • You fucking Dravag's pussy (1M)
  • Strip scene with dravag masturbating, cumming on your face (1M/1F)
  • Dravag masturbating in his room during the day.
  • Dravag riding A'polo in his room during the night.
  • Wyrmrest Temple has been updated, with an updated Arenormu and a new minigame.
  • Upper Wyrmrest Temple has been added, for now it only has one scene, but there will be a new NPC there in a future version.
  • A new travel button has been added both to Dragonblight and Stormwind, the button will show you a world map that you can use to move between the two zones.
  • Arenormu's dialog has been updated, now he offers you a sex scene, the options to get dragon transformations, and the appearances he already sold to you before alongside new cock cages.
  • Dragon eyes and skin transformations have been added to Arenormu for free, just choose your color.
  • 5 new special underwear appearances are now sold by Arenormu, these are cock cages, only for male characters.
  • A new beard and hair option has been added to the male human character.
  • A new body hair option has been added to the male human and elf characters.
  • Blue hair color has been added for all characters.
  • A new mini-game has been implemented inside Wyrmrest Temple, you need to push the correct eggs out of the guards before the time expires.
  • It looks like it's a little fast right now, so I'll probably slow the timer a little more next version.
  • If you win the mini-game you'll unlock the cock cages in Arenormu.
  • The game no longer soft-blocks after selling something to Helga and leaving the conversation in the Gift shop, in the Old Town of Stormwind.
  • In Redridge Academy, if you go to sleep naked when the scene with Zack triggers, your character will be naked, as it should be.
  • You can now properly buy the dragon lance at the weapon shop in the Dwarven District of Stormwind once you complete Wrathion's quest in Dragonblight.
  • If you hide the text during the Dragonblight sex scenes you can now show it again properly.
Sex Scenes
  • You fingerin.g Alexstrasza in her dragon form (1M/1F)
  • You fingerin.g Ysera in her dragon form (1M/1F)
  • You jerkin.g Kalecgos in his dragon form (1M/1F)
  • You jerkin.g Nozdormu in his dragon form (1M/1F)
  • Arenormu grindin.g his cock against your body (1M/1F)
  • You suckin.g a drakonid (1M/1F)
  • Drakonid fuckin.g you, impregnatin.g you with an egg (1M/1F)
  • Orgy with Red Guards (1M/1F)
  • Orgy with Blue Guards (1M/1F)
  • Orgy with Black Guards (1M/1F)
  • Orgy with Yellow Guards (1M/1F)
  • Orgy with Green Guards (1M/1F)
  • Drakonids fuckin.g
  • Female version of the Forest Troll gangban.g in Stranglethorn at night (1F)
  • Two new sub-zones have been implemented in Dragonblight, the Emerald Shrine and the Bronze Shrine.
  • Ysera, the green aspect, she will give you a new quest, rewarding you with the ability to buy the green appearances of the armor and underwear from Dragonblight.
  • Nozdormu, the yellow aspect, he will give you a new quest, rewarding a new underwear for you to equip and the yellow appearances of the armor from Dragonblight.
  • With the implementation of the new underwear you can buy the other colors from Arenormu if you completed the quests from Alexstrasza, Kalecgos or Wrathion.
  • Keeper Larodar, new encounter in the Emerald Shrine.
  • Mirror Image, new encounter in the Bronze Shrine.
Sex Scenes
  • You shoving your hand inside Ysera (1F)
  • You fucking Ysera (1M)
  • You jerking Larodar (1M/1F)
  • Ysera getting fucked by Larodar
  • You jerking and fingering Nozdormu (1F)
  • You fucking Nozdormu (1M)
  • You fucking yourself, or getting fucked by yourself (Same scene from different perspectives) (1M/1F)
  • Nozdormu bukkake with troll guards
  • A new sub-zone has been implemented in Dragonblight, the Obsidian Shrine, here you will find Wrathion and new encounters.
  • Wrathion is a new quest NPC, he will ask you to defeat Djaradin in the inner shrine, and you'll receive a new weapon and armor appearances as rewards.
  • Two new encounters, Djaradin Male and Female, you can find them in the Obsidian Shrine.
Sex Scenes
  • Wrathion fucking you. (1M/1F)
  • Wrathion and Sabelian fucking in dragon form.
  • Male Djaradin using you as a cock sleeve. (1M/1F)
  • You fondling and s.ucking Male Djaradin's cock and balls. (1M/1F)
  • You fucking Male Djaradin's ass. (1M)
  • Female Djaradin penetrating her cunt with your head. (1M/1F)
  • You slapping Female Djaradin's tits. (1M/1F)
  • Female Djaradin s.ucking you. (1M/1F)
  • A card mini-game (the one from Blackrock Spire) has been implemented as a general feature of the game.
  • You start with 10 cards at the beginning of the game, if you load an existing character it will automatically give you the 10 cards.
  • 3 Normal cards, 3 Charge cards, 3 Taunt cards, and 1 Legendary card.
  • There are 5 players in different zones of the game: Northshire, Goldshire, Westfall, Duskwood, and Stranglethorn. You can challenge them to a game, and if you win they will give you 1 pack of cards of the type of their zone.
Card Collection
  • There is a new button in the lower bar of the outworld menu, there you will be able to see your card collection, and open packs of cards, both things can be done by dragging the cards to a slot in your deck, or dragging a pack to the specific open slot.
  • The types of cards in your deck are limited to 3 Normal, 3 Charge, 3 Taunt, and 1 Legendary.
Golden Cards
  • Each pack of cards has a chance of giving you a golden version of a card, this is just a cosmetic feature, there is no power attached to this.
Pack Shop
  • In Stormwind's Park at night you will find a new character, Orion, this guy will buy your spare cards and sell you packs. You can't sell all your cards, you will always keep 1 of each.
Legendary Cards
  • There are 5 legendary cards, 1 Normal (Galacton), 1 Taunt (Geralt), 1 Charge (Thekal), and then Malfurion will increase the health of your other cards on the board by 1, and Murgok will summon 1-1 murlocs in each empty slot on the board.
Sex Scenes

  • 2 Scenes suckin.g Orion (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes getting jerked/fingered by Suiten (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes getting sucked by Finlorel (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes milking Calfren (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes fucking/fingering Morvathius (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes getting fucked by the Deckali (1M/1F)
Known Bugs
  • When you talk with the Forest Troll Chieftain in Stranglethorn, and then you talk with Deckali in the camp, the Chieftain's sprite will cover Deckali's, this is just a visual bug and it will be fixed next version.
Stormwind Cathedral
  • The cathedral is open, and the young Highpriest awaits inside to purify your body and soul, you can reduce your Addiction to 0 by talking with him, or you can have some sexy time with him.
Westfall Barn
  • You can enter now inside the Barn at Westfall's farm during the day, where you will find a giant tauren, Galacton, milk him and you'll enjoy a scene with him, but be careful, all that milk will definitely change you.
  • The inner workings of Westfall have been optimized, now some of the places/dialogs should load faster.
  • All the talking sprites from Westfall's characters have been animated.
  • The inner workings of Duskwood have been optimized, now some of the places/dialogs should load faster.
  • All the talking sprites from Duskwood's characters, except the worgen enemies, have been animated.
Sex Scenes
  • 22 scenes from Westfall updated (animated)
  • 2 Scenes with Galacton fucking you (M/F)
  • 2 Scenes sucking and fingering the Highpriest (M/F)
  • 1 Scene fucking the Highpriest (M)
  • Some scenes with the elf character have been fixed to show the bulge in his abdomen while wearing underwear, an example of this is the scene where you ride A'polo at the Brothel.
  • If a sex scene that increases your Taurine triggers a transformation, the game will show it properly even if you skip the scene.
  • Hogger's appearance, inside the Stockade, has been updated.
  • Anduin now has an updated head model, both in his dialog sprite and his sex scenes.
Sex Scenes
  • 34 Scenes from Stormwind have been animated, these include all the ones from the bosses inside The Stockade (Hogger, Saurfang, and Talanji), and the ones with Anduin.
  • The scene with the night elf and the demon inside the locker room of Redridge Academy was not getting activated properly, now it should be available during the night, 7 or more days after watching the bathroom scene with the draenei and the mirror, as it was intended.
  • The Gorilla encounter in Stranglethorn no longer freezes the game after attacking you if you have more than 10 armor.
  • The internal workings of the Stormwind Gym have been updated and now things should load faster.
  • The sprites of every NPC in the Gym have been animated (except Lee), both when you talk with them and in the dialog before the sex scenes.
Sex Scenes
  • 34 Scenes from Stormwind have been animated, these include all the ones from the Gym in the Dwarven District, and the ones with Sophie and the jobs in the Cathedral District.
Interactive Sex Mini-game
  • The UI of this mini-game has been updated.
  • Now you will only have available the positions and options that have a sex scene depending on your sex and the sex of the opponent.
  • Every time you are having sex during the encounter, the scene will appear in the middle of the screen, and once the orgasm bar is full you will see the orgasm in the scene before finishing the mini-game. This change only affects the two draenei at the basement of Goldshire's inn, Jamal will be updated in the next version (8.7)
Sex Scenes
  • The 22 scenes for Me'ra and Fer'um, the draenei wrestlers of Goldshire, have been updated and now they are animated, they will show up during their mini-game.
  • The internal workings of Goldshire have been updated, now things in the zone should load faster, especially the sex scenes. (I touched a lot of things, if something is broken please let me know.)
  • The sprite of every important NPC has been animated, both when you talk with them and in the dialog before the sex scenes, this applies to the NPCs in Northshire too.
Sex Scenes
  • The 33 scenes of the Bandits (M/F), Murlocs, Dughan, Keryn, and the Succubus/Incubus have been animated.
  • The Bandits and Murloc scenes now have a night version (darker with a tint of blue) to make them look more in tune with the time of the day.
Blackrock Depths
  • New zone in the Blackrock Mountain with two new encounters and a sub-zone, you can access this area after completing all the quests in Blackrock Spire.
Grim Guzzler
  • A bar inside Blackrock Depths, this place has a new NPC with a quest to get new orc slaves for your brothel.
  • Krypto, the dwarf pimp, owner of the Grim Guzzler, he will ask you to defeat Thaurissan in the Blackrock Depths.
  • Grand and Sashayak, the two new orc slaves for the brothel, you'll receive them after completing Krypto's quest.
  • Tornak, a third slave for the brothel, you'll find him in Blackrock depths after completing Krypto's quest.
  • Fire elemental, the first encounter in Blackrock Depths, this creature will coil around you from time to time, and you'll have to free yourself from it.
  • Thaurissan, the final boss, he will empower himself when his life gets lower, hitting you harder.
  • Blackhand's life has been adjusted for Whore characters.
Sex Scenes
  • 2 Scenes trapped inside the fire elemental while getting fucked. (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes humping the fire elemental. (1M/1F)
  • 2 Scenes of dark iron dwarfs holding your arms and legs while Thaurissan fucks you in his avatar form. (1M/1F)
  • 1 Scene of Thaurissan's servants fucking him.
  • 2 Scenes with Grand fucking you sensually while you lay face-down on the floor. (1M/1F)
  • 1 Scene of Grand getting fucked by a customer while another one sucks his cock.
  • 1 Scene with Sashayak riding you. (1M)
  • 1 Scene of Sashayak riding a customer that is sitting on a chair.
  • 2 Scenes of Tornak fucking your ass (1M/1F)
  • 1 Scene of Tornak fucking Nile during the day.
Mess Hall
  • New sub-zone in the Blackrock Spire, full of hungry orcs looking for something to eat.
  • The cook of the Blackrock clan, this monstrous orc will ask you to help him with serving drinks to the soldiers, and he will give you new underwear as a reward.
Beverage mini-game
  • Prepare the correct mixture of cum from the different prisoners to satiate the orcs, but be careful, if you fuck it up, the orcs will use you instead.
  • The warchief himself will be waiting for you to complete the tasks around his fortress, once you have completed all quests you'll have to defeat him in combat, and he will give you a big, steamy reward.
  • Once you complete the final quest with Blackhand, and if your character is male, Garnuk will ask you to spend some intimate time with him.
  • The lighting in the scenes with you and Lee in his house has been adjusted.
  • Now when you go back to the main menu from the game menu, and create a new character, you shouldn't see the model in the character creation with tattoos or piercings, or belly inflation if the character you were playing with had some of them.
  • The scene where Ironback rides you in the barracks of Blackrock Spire has been fixed, now your dick doesn't go through his body
  • The textures for bukkake and pee scenes have been updated for both male and female characters (hopefully this is the last time I update them xD)
Sex Scenes
  • Grug using your chest to rub his huge cock with foreskin (1M/1F)
  • Orc eating your ass/pussy while another orc jerks on your mouth (1M/1F)
  • You sucking the hanging prisoner of your choice to drink that cum directly from the source (3M/3F)
  • You getting hanged by the wrists alongside the other prisoners to serve as a cum source for the orcs (1M)
  • Blackhand lifting up your body with his arms to impale you with his cock (1M/1F)
  • Garnuk getting sucked and licked, covered in meat grease.
  • You fucking Garnuk's ass (1M)
Blackrock Barracks
  • New sub-zone in the Blackrock Spire, here you'll find the orcs of the Blackrock army relaxing and playing games.
  • New quest NPC in the Barracks, he will ask you to defeat him in a card game, and you'll receive a new underwear.
Card Game
  • A new mini-game is available in the Barracks once you accept Bulgor's quest, it's a card mini-game that kinda resembles Hearthstone.
  • You have three types of cards, Normal, Taunt, and Charge. You need to drag one card from your hand and drop it on the board, and it won't be able to attack until the next turn (you'll see a zZz sign on one corner of the card if you can't use it that turn)
  • Charge cards can attack the same turn you play them, and Taunt cards will force the opponent to attack them first.
  • To attack just select the card on the board you want to attack with, and then select the enemy card you want to attack. In order to win you need to kill all of your opponent's cards.
  • The game should no longer get soft-locked if you defeat a Wolf in Northshire for the Poor Boy's quest after getting all 5 pelts.
  • The light of your character has been adjusted in the still scenes with Lee (the gym guy).
  • Some events increased the hours passed without changing the day if necessary, resulting in more than 24 hours appearing on the main UI, this should be fixed now.
Sex Scenes
  • You sucking fat orc cock (1M/1F)
  • Slim orc riding you (1M)
  • Orcs peeing on you if you are wearing the Stormwind Boxers when trying to have an orgy with them (1M/1F)
  • Orc fucking you on a swing chair with Garnuk getting fucked next to you (1M/1F)
  • 3-part orgy scene with the orcs that unlocks after defeating both Bulgor and Ironback at the card game (3M/3F)
Blackrock Spire
New Sub-zone in the Burning Steppes, the mountain is open, in order to enter you need to complete Garnuk's quest and then go talk with the orcs guarding the entrance, you'll see a little intro and then the zone will be unlocked.

Training Halls
This is the first Sub-zone inside the Blackrock Spire, here you'll find a new NPC and new encounters.

New Quest NPC, this female orc will ask you to defeat some of her soldiers and her reward will be a new weapon.

Two new encounters have been added in the Training Halls, the Blackrock Orcs, both male and female. These enemies work as your usual male/female enemies in any other zone, you can break their clothes to unlock different scenes once you defeat them with Lust.

Known Bug
In Northshire, when you gather the 5 Wolf Pelts for the Poor Boy's quest, if you don't have the Orc Harness and defeat another wolf the game will lock itself. I was informed about this bug after building this version, apparently it's a really old bug, so it will be fixed in 8.2, sorry.

Sex Scenes
  • Male orc fucking your ass/pussy while choking you (1M/1F)
  • You edging male orc (1M/1F)
  • You riding male orc (1M/1F)
  • Female orc forcing you to eat her pussy (1M/1F)
  • You spanking female orc while fingering her (1M/1F)
  • You fucking female orc (1M)
  • Oronka fucking you with her strap-on (1M/1F)
  • Garnuk receiving spit roast (kinda) from orc soldiers.
Academy River
  • The last sub-zone of the academy, you can go here any day, but there will be people only on Sunday, and you'll be able to see a random still scene of your classmates having fun, with a chance of triggering the orgy scene.
Zack Bimbo Route
  • You can now make Zack your bitch by giving him a bimbo potion that you can create in alchemy class using a secret ingredient.
  • The potion can be used on Saturday in the tavern, the option will pop up when you hang out there. Once you give him the potion his normal progression bar will reset and Duncan's too, from there you'll have to encounter Zack during MidDay like before, but this time you'll be the bully.
  • In order to advance past the thresholds of 25/50/75 you need to unlock the scene of those thresholds, and once you do that you'll need to give Zack another bimbo potion. The secret ingredient won't be consumed in the creation of the potion, but the bimbo potion will be consumed when you give it to Zack, so you'll need to craft a new one every time you want to advance the relationship.
  • There is a special guest in one of the tavern's rooms on Saturday night, maybe you can use your hands to get something useful from him, don't forget the bucket!
Alchemy Minigame
  • The recipe book during the alchemy minigame has been updated, now it will show you every recipe with the exact ingredients you need to use in the exact order, making it easier. There is a special recipe at the end of the book too...
Sex Scenes
  • You ma.sturbating pressing your dick against Zack's face during wrestling class. (1M)
  • You forcing Zack to suck your cock in the bathroom (1M)
  • You fin.gering Zack after alchemy class (1M)
  • You fucking Zack in the tavern's bedroom while he wears pink lingerie (1M)
  • Threesome with Solan and Jay at the tavern's bedroom (1M)
  • Orgy with your classmates at the river (1M)
  • Zack getting fucked by your classmates at the river.
  • Zack getting fucked by Jay in the locker room's showers.












You need to write it in the text box inside the CHEATS menu (click the cogwheel on the lower bar of the outworld menu)

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I never paid attention to WOW before but this is intriguing
Not up to date on this, played it a while ago. Remember it being surprisingly accurate to the look and feel of WoW. Decent game, had a solid fap with it.
Had faith in the game when it first launched now not so much since it went full gay porn.
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solid game alot content wish you could make your male character more of femboy
I hope the gay content is avoidable. Checking it out. Always good to see a project with ambitions larger than just the porn aspect.
The dynamic I have with this game are pretty much:
1. See update;
2. Check if some of my fav WoW characters are included;
3. Nope, only more OC characters;
4. Leave disappointed;
5. Repeat.

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