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Is this art or waste of time?

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Prestige 1
Apr 5, 2024
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Can art that pushes boundaries and challenges social norms be considered 'good' even if it offends or disturbs some people, or should art always aim to be inclusive and respectful of all perspectives?"

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Can art that pushes boundaries and challenges social norms be considered 'good' even if it offends or disturbs some people, or should art always aim to be inclusive and respectful of all perspectives?"

Let me know your thoughts!
Fuck "some people", even if "some people" is me.
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fuck that art is supposed to be an expression of something if you worry about offending people you cant express yourself so my opinion is fuck the snowflakes wether figuratively or literally thats your call and put out art
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Art is good and everything but lately some art that is promoted is quite dumb and shouldn't be considered art. Just my opinion fyi
Most of what people call art is just used for money laundering so it's not important whether or not something can be considered art. Do you like it? That's really all that matters.
I don't understand modern art. I feel like I can bullshit my way and call whatever I make art and be respected as an artist
The mechanical arm scraping oil is an example of most garbage modern art
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Is something really art if noone is offended by it? 🤔
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I think every art progress is because someone "broke the rules" and now we see for example those old painting that were inappropriate and say are beautiful.

Now when we see modern art, they do that. They challenge the norm, and generally they are called inappropriate or absurd. But modern art is another topic to discuss.
Art is a concept that changes depending on the social environment.

Art is also a manifestation of the artist's wishes.
Art is art even a blank empty space can be called an art
Can art that pushes boundaries and challenges social norms be considered 'good' even if it offends or disturbs some people, or should art always aim to be inclusive and respectful of all perspectives?"

Let me know your thoughts!
It's called hentai, and it's art. Facts don't care about their feelings and blablabla
Fuck "some people", even if "some people" is me.
Yea fuk u!!!! fuk u, fuk u
fuk me as well 🔥 :love: 🙏
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I used to not really get art in general, specially modern art, but then I watched the video "Who's Afraid of Modern Art" by Jacob Geller, and you know what
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If you like it. Art is objective.
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inclusive and respectful of all perspectives
I doubt anything could possibly be inclusive and respectful of all perspectives. "Good" is a value judgment and thus subjective in nature. Something is good if you think it's good. Whether a work of art is considered good (or even acceptable) by art critics or by certain social strata or governments, self-appointed morality police, etc., is another question - one of standards set and values held by that group. How does that old saying go, "you can't please all the people all the time." That certainly applies to art, which regardless of its intended purpose or effect is an expression of whatever the artist is trying to express with its meaning open to interpretation by the observer.
Art should be whatever the artist wants to create. The only person it should matter to is them.
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